Rhino guy,RAF have a 165hp as well. How do the numbers look with those horsies?Hoges
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RAF vs Sparrowhawk
Phil, one of the 'apporpriate mods' on an RAF is to attach a 'D' shackle to the EJ22 somewhere, for easy coupling to an ancher chain, and throw the lot overbored.Then mount a 914 in its place.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.You can always get the answer you want, if you ask enough experts.
Scott, You are right about the RAF offering the 165 hp now and it is in a 810 lb bird giving it a 4.909 lb per hp. Yes that does beat the Sparrow Hawk but by a dam slim line. Also it has a much smaller 4 blade prop which is not supposed to be as efficient as the large 72 inch 3 blade on the Sparrow. So that being said if you tied both of those birds **** to **** the Sparrow might very well pull the RAF BACKWARDS! I thought birdy's answer was nice considering it was me trying to stir up some **** in the first place![] I have got many a dam good laugh reading his posts over on the Yanki forum. The 2 reasons I have stuck my nose in here is because 1, I have bought a Sparrow hawk kit that I will pick up on July 11 and 2, I know that Birdy has a huge amount of air time and skill which made me wonder if he was just doing a little Sparrow hawk bashing just for fun or if he knows something about it that makes it a lesser machine. I just about bought an RAF as they are built not 4 hours away from where I live but this no tail stuff scared the hell out of me so I opted to go 2000 kms to the Groen Brothers factory. Sad eh? I guess Birdy recons that sub engine is a good marine engine as it sounds he intends to use it as a boat anchor![
]Flying the right side up in Canada
Sorry Birdy, I just figuired out my screw up and fixed it (2 bladed prop typo error) Any way was you just going by the American BS lawyer type specs that they have to list or do you recon this is a dud bird? Just your thoughts thats all [?]Flying the right side up in Canada
I didn't give it any 'review', I just said it was heavy. And heavy gyros can't move as fast as light ones, generaly speak'n.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.You can always get the answer you want, if you ask enough experts.