What makes me laugh about all this gold coast stuff.... is why would Muslims want to set up shop at the gold coast in the first place? Why would they want to be there when it is such a crime and drug hub? The only reason I can think of is they want to set up shop there to "clean it up" so look out gold coasters
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media fact or set up.
There is much more to this HEALTHY debate but occasionally truth can be seen as an inconvenience by Government authorities just as long as we go along with the plan and don"t make trouble. I studied ancient history and i can assure you there is an ad gender. You see back in the Roman days they concurred Land, civilizations, provinces, some enormous battles. They fought he Greeks. and lost. But looking at their empire there was an order of rule to achieve this great empire. These were One Religion Christianity, look what happened to Jesus when the Israelite"s dobbed him in One law, Ceases Law you would be strung up along the main road as an example if you rebelled. We live under Ceases law today, have a look at a Cops badge next time It says protecting the community under ceases law from memory.And a Taxation System, Lookout when The Noblemen showed up and you didn"t have your payment, Similar today. During Augustus Ceases term of governance he was furious with the Popes high authority of influence in the Senate, also Cicero the great public speaker. Cicero was found chopped up in a hessian sack in the River Nile, The constitution was changed to remove the high authority of the pope and Augustus had his way well for a while he ran off with Cleopatra. Oh back to Australia we are proud we are a multicultural country as long as we don"t become a multinational country these people that run off back to their own countries to fight must remember this as they are Australians now, By all means have your own Cultural,Theological beliefs but don"t become factional, We have a good culture here and we drink beer, remember or read about the eureka stockade, our defense force in the NT is crocodiles and mosquito"s. Just don"t tell us how to live our lives that irritates the sh!t out us.
You"re right about Gaddafi Blakmorem. It"s dangerous to actually create a working example of socialism in a capatilistic world and it"s propaganda machine. The thing I"m envious about Gaddafi was he had an army of very fit and horny females guarding him. (He had a good life) ;D
Yes the woes of the world, Indeed I just hope our prime minister isn"t treated the same if our country has an illegal occupation or if any other nation gives a sh!t at least. All i know is i aint gunna be a hero, I"m going to the hills and fend for myself. Get some vege seeds and some chooks and make booby traps. Yep a hill billy bad *******, by then i"d probably had already learned to hate the enemy cause they had probably already killed my family,friends and dog. But hey that"s war... It"s cruel and tragic. Ask any veteran of war, and they will tell you how evil it is. Most are traumatized for the rest of their lives, the only antidote is nationalism, the Government will say it"s your duty, yeah some wars are justified like an invasion of sovereign land, but to travel abroad and and engage in conflict. That was a big no in Greek mythology you will anger the gods and loose.Mike.
When anything of lifechanging importance happens in most areas of this world the media get muffled by authorities. For e.g. on april 6 1966 a UFO landed at the back of Westall school in Melbourne then flew away. The event was witnessed by 200 students and teachers. A camera crew turned up to interview witnesses and soon after two well dressed men arrived who demanded the film and gathered all teachers in a room and bullied them into convincing the students that it didn"t happen. What kind of bull s#@t world do we live in?
Yeah any body who has the same basic instinct of survival i dare say will be in the hills anyway and inevitably we may not last long anyway but it"s worth having a go, just don"t complain if it gets a bit rough. and Max if you know how to make a good brew of whiskey you can be chief, I"ll grow tobacco and do the chores and keep watch or something. Tony you have mentioned something about those unidentified flying thingo"s well there have been many sightings around the world and even video of these events. Even air traffic controllers have reported very fast moving objects on the radar, and the men in grey suits show up and clean it up. The first two pages of the incident report is the event and the next twenty pages is a psychological assessment.Your call. There have been unusual sightings documented by famous astronomers as far back as the 15th century Plato, and french astronomer Jean Kasini 1671 reported a strange white luminous cloud on the moon Plato reported strange Luminosities and apparently there have been over two hundred reports over the centuries and yes there is a secret file. The MJ-12 have a lot of records of these unusual sightings and it"s best we not know about it. And what is at AREA 51 that they keep so secretive. Why did the moon missions suddenly stop and what is that prohibited data from Clemantine-1 DSPSE, satellite that mapped the moon. 2.5 million photos from 6 cameras with different light spectrum"s only 1.5 to 1,8 photos have been released to defense and the science fraternity. Maybe the men in grey suits may show up here i better shut up now.Mike
bloody struth, I"m glad I got that out of everyone. I tried to learn at school but was a bit of a dumb ass, so I have trouble trying to get into history. when I think and see in the movies all the thousands of warriors marching and fighting , I think about " where did they all **** and where does it all go , bloody hell how did they get on without toilet paper back then." I like being regular. and I"m a scruncher. toilet paper is cheap.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know we have strayed off the subject a bit but i thought about my my own personal experience of how the Govt authority"s shut things down and i had to think about discussing it here on this forum but i guess after 25 years it should be OK. But firstly i understand why people don"t talk and it"s just fear of unwanted attention and they are personally satisfied with what they saw with their own eyes. What i saw though was not unidentified though. OK so here it goes. When i was a young fella about 5 years old,i was out in the front yard with my sister and me dad. I was just about to wright the location but a little nervous, we were on a hill suburb in a big city in Australia, near a big highway. Suddenly we heard a roar come from the west like a F-1 11 I had a good view from where i was standing it was not a F-1 11 as it did not have wings and it had numbers down the side rear section. It went past so fast i just got a glimpse of it. It was less than 100 feet of the highway more like 50 ft and it diverted off to about NE gaining some quick altitude. I looked at both me dad and sister and confirmed we all saw it, Then same again another big roar and saw exactly the sane event. Me dad heard the event on talk back radio and discussed the radio request option of ringing up with mun.. so he did and was invited in to tell his account. He was not as enthusiastic when he came home though he even looked a little worried. He told us the radio station topic had been shut down and he had strict instruction that we were not to talk about it at school or any one. They were missiles and it was a Military F@#$UP they probably were dumped in the ocean I still think today what if they hit a building or was it a intentional terrain exercise where they indeed followed a major HWY at about 50 ft they were not above 100 ft somewhere in between. This is the first time I"ve spoken about this publicly and may get in trouble but the military have keep me quite for a long time, Good Job, there is lot of stuff they don"t want you to know about too. Have any of you fellars seen any thing like this. I know a ex Navy fella telling me they accidentally fired a 50 Cal round in Sydney Harbor and they found a hole in a brick wall of a unit block. oops, i bet they were told to shut up.I was told a lot of stuff from military guys so lets share it fellers your up.Next.Mike.
Actually what the hell, I"m the new messiah, My name is Michael meaning like to god yes that"s right I"m the arch angel of the havens and I"m visiting earth to report on you scruffy heathens so give me fifty bucks and I"ll redeem you. And when I make a sh!t load of money you can join my kingdom of scruffy heathens whereby any kind of donation will aid me in seeking your redemption from a life of treachery....anyone... come on fellers here"s your one and only chance...OK Max I"ll throw in a couple of Virgins just don"t eat any apples.Mike.