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  • Energy

    Hey fellars i'm back...wif another science subject, yeah Mad Max still ere just been flying and me new years resolution is to pull finger and go for passenger so i can get me missus up wif me so she dont have to sit at the hanger n read a book while i fly, sorta makes me feel a little selfish and admire her patience. It's been a long haul paying off my MTO and on the home straight and almost out of poverty even got a house sitter to look after the dogs while we,or i go flying so things are looking up. Anyway so back to science, There is a famous physics professor that has won a Nobel prize or two Dr Freyman sorry about spelling. He expressed that if you looked at our universe at an atomic view being of atoms and the laws of such you would never look at our world the same way again, All the laws of classical physics such as Newtonian Laws explain the obvious observations resulting from the behavior of atoms. So where an i going with this, Hang in there Mad Max.... During the second world war It was a time of great innovation and possibly because of a desperate need to have an advantage over the enemy. We all know about the war birds like the the American Mustang P51, the Russian Yack, and the German Luftwaffe, and still a Marvell of engineering today. The supercharger overcame density altitude I just lost this post when i submitted it came back as YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO CREATE THIS POST. UUUUURRRRAGH!!!! Where's my club... Any back to energy. Einstein in his day observed the Laws of what is known as classical physics and Newton wrote these Newtonian laws and developed calculus to work with these laws also with help of others we have a good understanding of observable outcomes of physics. Then comes along a fellow Dr Freeyman and observed physics on a quantum mechanics discipline and won a Nobel prize or two by observing the nature of physics from an atomic level or studying the nature of atoms and how they create the observable model of Newtonian laws or classical physics. Where am i going with this hang in there Mad Max, Energy is observed by the famous law E=MC2.Energy is Mass x Constant (light)squared. Ok so this can also be transposed as mass x velocity of light constant accelerates to speed of light it becomes infinitely heavier and can yield enormous energy. Atoms being of protons neutrons and electrons and sub components of these are still today's great mysteries and will give us enormous developments of the future far beyond comprehension, They are working on it. If you look at the great engineering innovation of the second world war from the super chargers on the war birds over coming the density altitude problems simply compressing more air in and more oxygen for more fuel burn and more horse power...simple. Ok what about 18th century Faraday law of electrolysis. Add energy by to the h2o molecule then jam it into the cylinder, its like we have forgotten the laws of physics like we are dummed down or not motivated by the necessity of innovation of war and poverty.Sad really.Why don't we utilize the wasted heat energy of exhaust to atomize fuel to gas before burn, these two simple principals could improve efficiency by almost 50% and much cleaner burn too. I'm not suggesting you go modify your engine that would be reckless and dangerous, i'm trying to stir the intellectual creativity. Where has it gone, The intellectual creativity of Newton, Steiner, Einstein, Maxwell, Faraday, Lens, Kirchhoff , and others of the 18th century has already done the work for us and written the laws we are just starting to use some of them in everyday life now like the awakening.

  • #2
    Sorry about repeated stuff i was kicked out and duplicated.


    • RossM
      RossM commented
      Editing a comment
      I know that my name will never be with Newton, Steiner, Einstein, Maxwell, Faraday, Lens, Kirchhoff !!

  • #3
    Way over my head Mike, but welcome back anyway🤔


    • #4
      why does it double up or sometimes say 'error" Dan, a bit frustrating some times. g'day again Blake, "long time no hear".
      you could possibly stir up max but he said recently he doesn't like long posts, so we have to wait and see what happens.


      • #5
        and it said error then. see what happens to this post and if it posts the message from me that this message is relating too.,


        • #6
          then both come up. . I can't be the only one that happens too. well I could actually . if you just say it's because of the N.B.N. then I understand completely.


          • #7
            G/Day Tony, Good to hear a bit of chatter again. We haven't given up looking for a property over your way. Sport aviators get treated like second class citizens over here. We do good deeds like croc. reporting and are not allowed to use indigenous airstrips. Was in the WA wheat fields recently and came across small town airstrips with 'welcome' signs and no fences. I'll read your posting Dan when I get some spare time. A busy business being retired and loving your sport/hobby!


            • #8
              I was trying to pull back from chattering a bit max , I was starting to feel like a tall version of MAD MUZZ. had a couple of so called mates [ well I've actually only got 2 . ] tell me I was on there way too much. but I figured that if anyone was talking then someone would talk back , but alas it doesn't seem to be like that anymore or maybe it's just me being TALL MUZZ. .
              my daughter said she is going to ZANDE'S wedding this year are you coming down for it ????


              • #9
                Yes Tony. Small world. Zandy is marrying a good bloke. Loves surfing. He was here at another wedding and I offered him a gyro ride but he was short of time. (Would of required a ferry boat ride to my paradice peninsular ect.) Zandy has flown with me I reacon when she was around 9yrs. old. My youngest passenger was 4 and oldest 94. OK, I'll go and read Dans story. Sure is tricky navigating through this forum!


                • #10
                  Just read your article Mike (think I called you Dan before) Interesting. Sadly extra innovation seems to come when humans are threatened. What about you tune your brain into blade tip pre rotator rockets for final stage rotation? I have to 'beat the system' here. Need quicker take offs. As soon as I even 'think' of cutting down a tree there's a knock on the door! Going to fly (when the rain stops) 80 km away to my brothers farm and sit on a stool in a padock and play the button acordian to his cows while being filmed. If the results are interesting we shall put it on u tube.


                  • #11
                    hello max, not sure if you know of BRUCE LAYT, [ sometimes called BUDDA , cause he looks like one. ps don't ever go flying with him into right hand turns .he can be a nut lob ] but any way he had knick named me " stories " cause he reckons I always tell them , but seriously YOU BEAT ME HANDS DOWN MATE. .
                    i'll tell my daughter to say hello to you. look around she will be the tall one there. but that's another story.


                    • #12
                      I'm sure I'll be in a 'chatty' mood at the wedding in Byron Bay with all the free grog. Bruce Layt went to the Kunannara fly-in I think. He apparently stopped on the way in Tennant Creek with gyro on truck and a cowboy wandered up and told him he was my 'last student' before my retirement from instructing. As it turned out I could not pass him due I think to a shoulder injury. Instructing in a high performance mustering craft is not glamorise. The student can easily kill you or worse!


                      • #13
                        One thing I learnt very Quickly was only formation fly beside someone with a 'male brain'. The female species of all animals are more inteligent than the male however they pay a price in that they generally don't know their left from their right. So if they call on the radio "turning left" and your on their right look out. And believe me there are one in five males out there with a female brain! In Vietnam the yanks used to fly Iroquoi at night in formation with rotors tucked together (at different heights) Each pilot would line up the other guys dash light with another part of the chopper!
                        Last edited by mad max; 04-02-2017, 02:05 PM.


                        • #14
                          I know one bloke who couldn't stick to a flight plan let alone spell it. struth we were flying formation a few times by the second time I specifically noticed his rotars didn't listen to what his mouth had said to me and he was all over the place by the third time he was telling us what we would all do and I just said , nah !!!! I'm out, not going , do what you want,
                          don't regret that decision one bit.


                          • #15
                            Yes Tony, one must be totally vigilant when flying close to another rotorcraft. The fixed wingers generally get another chance. The early days of RAF in Canada was a good example. Two RAF's touched during a filming opp. I believe. No survivors through memory.

