Ozzys need to eat more cement and HTFU. >
Couldnt belive wot i was see"n the other day.Droped in ona mates place on my way home and there wasa strange 4WD out frunt.Belonged to the Met mob [ them people, public sevants, who can run a root at their job tday, and be garanteed to still have it tmorrow], and they were providen a critical service for us peasant taxpayers. Taken their 5 yearly foto of station rain gauges. :
But thats not all.Its seems it takes two of um to do this job.In a latest modle Toyota LC.And on the back of this unit was a $14,000 canopy.Dust proof, to protect all their critical gear they gota cart round while taken these all important pix.But thats still not all.Between this fancy canopy and the cab were two spare tyresJust the regular 750-16" cruiser tyres.But apparently Ozzys are now so soft they gota have electric winches to lift these massive tyres [ bout 20kg] all the way up to the tray [ 3" tops].Not one winch to lift these tyres, one winch each side.These two oz blokes, 100kg+, each, cant lift a pissy little 20kg tyre 3" off the ground.Wot a f^%$# w@nk. >
Im renounce"n my oz citisenship.
Duno wot i am, but if they is ozzys, im not.
