Youll never win an argument with a one eyed idiot Bones.Even if he did come out to the real world and see with his one eye, thered be no end of limp dic excuses why they are in the state they are in.Theres only one reason, and thats coz of the limp dics insistance that they should get everythn for nuthn.Wouldnt matter wot breed you was, if you get everythn for nuthn, youll keep on taken.But we know that, and we know nuthns go"n to change till the rest of Oz opens both eyes. >
The real victums ere are the real blackfellas.Not many of them round these days.Mores the loss for us.Wot gets my goat with these pailface ones is their lack of respect or recognition for the 15/16ths of their blood that aint black.
