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Ozzys need to eat more cement.

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  • #31
    Yeah your right Birdy i do tower rigging and i can tell you that harness is B!@#$$%t as whot you said is the pendulum effect ive seen some nasty injuries.Also if he had a fall who is gunna get him out cause he will just be hanging there. With full body suspension it cuts off the blood supply to your legs and its the same as crush injury. If hanging for a while and rescued you"ll probably kill him from sudden blood release it"s like a toxic shock to the heart. So whoever implemented that harness is full of Sh!t, because any body wearing a harness needs a second man to rescue them or else they will just be hanging there. Mike.


    • #32
      That"s how they plan to reduce the unemployment and completely break the country. Des Garvin


      • #33
        Yeah, but being such a lucky country, according to that DH Hockey, petrol will cost more, but it is ok, because poor people cant afford cars already, so it wont affect them :


        • #34
          Yep the paperwork you have to do now to get started on the job does your head in. Site inductions,Permits to work Take five, White card, Blue card, Safe work method statement. Job safety analyses,Risk assessment,Tool box meeting, emergency assembly point, signage, public access barricades, work tickets, first aiders, tower rescue kit, and equipment inspections, EWP tickets,and plant inspection logs etc like a good hour of crap. What ever happened to common sense and being responsible for your own actions.This paperwork started to come in the last 6 years and it"s getting worse. Too many idiots that try to blame someone else and greedy no win no pay solicitors. Yep we are now aligned with America"s land of litigation. The problem is too if you don"t do the paperwork and some knuckle brain F$%@s up and your site supervisor you ware it. If you look at the questions on the paperwork they take all thought out of the picture like your completely brain dead. But if you see some of the dumb sh!t some fellers do well the paperwork covers them. I see now farms have public liability signage too. I believe Australia has become over legislated and wonder how far will it go and where it will end. It"s like we need another Eureka Stockade to stop it because it"s out of control and I"ve personally had a gut full of it. Work cover is an insurance firm and i believe this is the force behind a lot of this and solicitors. This stuff ens up in court and we become the sacrificial goats, and at the end of the day it"s about MONEY, Its funny how people feel better when they get a payout.Like its a miracle cure for an injury.Mike.


          • #35
            Blake, you forgot about having to have hi-vis (the right colour), plakky goggles and a brain container as well


            • #36
              Safety boots, safety glasses, hard hat, long sleeve high vis shirts long pants, gloves,dust masks, rad badge, gas detector,sunscreen, wasp spray, Material safety data sheets on yes everything including sunscreen, its out of control.Mike.


              • #37
                Hat, thongs, durrys, im ready for anythn.You poor bastereds.Gess thats wot you get for willingly taken it up *** ***.


                • #38
                  Yeah turn it up mate ;D ;D ;D, It"s funny you mention the durries, I was out at Curragh coal mine doing some transmission work on their comms tower. The west gate was 40 k"s from the main entrance and we had to call the supervisor to get access, well he was more than helpful with that as when he arrived he pulled his smokes out and chain smoked for half an hour. Well when we were on site i suffered withdraw for a couple of hours but then i saw a feller around the back of a shed lighten up so we gained a mutual understanding the riggers didn"t give a toss they just smoked any where. And i really didn"t care if i was kicked off site towards the end either.Mike.


                  • #39
                    Thought these might give you a laugh.. but OH&S is no laughing matter seeminglyMy 3 year old goes to a Preschool that has an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)


                    • #40
                      Well Art the sign did warn him


                      • #41
                        Thought these might give you a laugh.. but OH&S is no laughing matter seeminglyMy 3 year old goes to a Preschool that has an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)


                        • #42
                          The only good thing about beauracracy out of control is that its accelerating quickly & the end is in sight!


                          • #43
                            Clive Palmer has given me a little hope he"s up the mongrel Chinamen on Q&A tonite. Ha Ha Gooo Clive. Politics needs fellas like him.Mike

