They come back months or so down the track, to have a play etc. I can tell you every one without exception would have us on the deck, BENT etc, yes.....they have forgotten the backside of the power curve. General gyro flying etc, they are great......then I getem to get low and slow, into the gaps etc amongst the TREES, and every time they turn into helo pilots at the wrong time. They do this automatically, a trained only gyro pilot, automatically is aware of the power curve stuff,and he is OK.How very true Russ, they cannot go between one and the other(easily) because when it comes down to it you rely on instinct FIRST, and if your mind is in the wrong machine your gone...Mark
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Work'n gyros.
G,day.Pocky.I never suggested any such thing ! Apart from knowing that Birdymusters his cows legally, I Dont have any idea what you blokes dowith your Gyro's.Birdy posted a bit about some thoughts on officialdom.I can relateto that because I've worked in the bush too.The nitty gritty is that bush folk are known for their common sense !Hense my reference to the real world.The real world is along the coastal fringe and common sense doesn'treside here ! In the real world ferinstance, you cant fart in publicor blink because you are likely to have your eyes sprayed withcapsicum. An I hate it.Out where common sense lives, if I was flyin along and got hungry Iwould declare an emergency to myself and land by a roadside dinerand have a feed and refuel. I am sure that the people at that dinerwould not be at all concerned because common sense would tell themthat I would do it very safely as I wouldn't want to scratch me or the machine. At the same time I wouldn't make the mistake of talkingabout it or posting pics on the forum.A cupla years ago I pulled into a shopping centre carpark beside aHoon hotrod and he yelled at me not to scratch his car, for chrisesake.He gotta fat lip, stupid pr*&k. I wouldn't scratch his heapfer fear of scratchin me own.One day I hope to be back in the scrub so I'll have somewhere to parkthe Gyro.Thats about it, If I offended you it wasn't intensional.Cheers.Safe stable flying.Robert DunnMackay. Qld.Growing old is good while it lasts.
OlbodRob No problems ,just read your post a bit wrong with the double page thing, at times I woundn,t mind being a coastal fringer.{sh*t bite my finger}It seems beauacracts are screwwing us all for any little fun thats left.I grown up around the ag scene with every thing from the pawnee too the turbines and {ag cat, ag wagon beaver, Drom.)I can see real use for our weapon of or choice,I just want to be part of itboundry rider
G,day.Pocky,I've never flown an Ag plane but they are beaut things to watch working.I would certainly like to see an Ag Gyro at work, jeez,I'd even like to see one sitting on the ground while it wasn'tworkin.I think it would need to have a bit off a lid on it tho so thatit looked a bit like a real "airplane" ! The Bloke that owned the paddock would love to pay a lower price tooImage Insert:71.11
Does anyone Know where Womboota NSW is ?PS: to the above PS:When I checked what I had written, I added another O in "too getthe job done" and I must have left the cursor there when I downloaded the pic ?I also forgot to mention that a few weeks ago there were military exercises goin on in our vicinity and I was in me back yard whentwo F111's came roaring in over me ouse. It was great and I jumped up and down as they even cleaned out me gutters for me. Me andbraketold me that in the excitement the Lorikeet fell of her perch !This little bloke loves tin birds but doesn't consider herself to bea Co-Pilot but more of the Flight Director. I'm lookin forward totaking her up in a Gyro.I often see the Blackhawks goin to and fro to Townsville but on oneexercise the yanks where here and I had a couple of Apachesgo past me ouse. They are always at low level and its great.Robert DunnMackay. Qld.Growing old is good while it lasts.
Thanks Woz.when I got your direction,I found it on the map.I went into my Air Nav Flight Planner program for a look and discovered it doesn't have an airstrip, unless there's a private one in a paddock.Even on the map it looked damned cold. Couldn'tsee Pocky tho, he musta been inside by the fire.My border is the tropic of capricorn and I try not to cross itbecause beyond it is to close to Antarctica.Cheers.Robert DunnMackay. Qld.Growing old is good while it lasts.
RobIts a bloody site warmer here then where Wos lives!Yeah he is right I,m almost Espanic.Deniliquin and Echuca are two licenced airfields close by,Echuca is mainly domestic and tourist stuff, Where Deniliquin is fairly full ag scene,as far as landing else where ? no problems as you can put down almost anywhere ,the country here is almost dead flat and mostly open country with scattered timber.In the irrigation areas??? most cockys have some sort of stripboundry rider
Pocky,could you work your gyro spottin for border crossers ?I could work me Gyro up here ( If I had one ) doing a bit of spotin for illegal fish netters ! The department has a huge area to coverand unfortunately the fish stocks are diminishing.By the way we have a young croc in the local goose ponds and the kids were asked to stop throin sticks at him. They ran a competionto give him a name but I dont know how it ended !Cheers.Robert DunnMackay. Qld.Growing old is good while it lasts.
Rob, You couldn,t see me because I was at at meeting in a tee shirt,an didn,t git home till 1/4 2 eleven,Bin up your way but didn,t enjoy the humidity.One thing we don,t git much of is moisture.BWY. I am the same as faras anythnk going over head,even the sydney 2 melbored kero burners ,even the on the ground flight unstable pelicants launching and hooking a thermal till you can,t see see them anymore,I enjoy it all,But ag planes are up there with the gyrosboundry rider
WosNow now,I believe it sometimes snows there in sunny tamworth,I never own or wore ug boots,Thongs yes ug boots no,Me thinks it is warmer here is the altitude,your higher,thinner air,less air to bounce into each other to keep you warm,thats way cooma is heaps cooler than nearly anywhere else,Rob we don,t even try to stop the boarder crossers,because they pick up that much speed getting out of vic that there in qld before they can stop.Where were we? thats right ,working gyros,bin thinking of a way to deflect the shotty shells for when I go after the fur and feather so they don,t go threw the prop,the spraying is easy with L.V. chemicalsboundry rider
Pocky.Whats an L.V. chemical ? Or am I thicker.By the way, things are gettin grim around my place !I can put up with the bird but now the damn dog has started callingme Olbod, the mongrel.Cheers.Robert DunnMackay. Qld.Growing old is good while it lasts.