Birdy,Check out my post regarding Bunderburg to Bindoon via the centre.I should have mentioned it the other day when we spoke but I didnt know his confirmed route.Also Check it out at,Adrian.
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Get'n to Biggenden
Plan C.[!]You can stop lookn now, i found a couple o people over there i know, thanx for the help anyway.[}
]Will be go'n from ere to Cluny[ this blokes brother had cattle ere on adjistment a few years ago], only a couple o hundred K's over the QLD boundery. Fuel up there and on to a joint near Stonehenge. Hope thats not the pommy one[xx(].[ Me northern neibour's got another place there.]Next mor'n on to ??????????????????, ................. !!!!!![
!] ****, i forgot the name, anyway, i'll be at a place bout 40 Ks SW of Tarroom by the second night.[ me X northern neibour has moved there]And its only a hop, skip n jump over the hills next mor'n and i'm there.Just a little question, wot are the regs on long range tanks on gyros????[ is a 60L drum in the passenger seat guna cause any problems??]Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.You can always get the answer you want, if you ask enough experts.
Pull the seats out and put in 2 Goodwin 65lt seat tanks like i've got. I'm not game enough to fill them up, but geez I could go along way if I did. You could nearly do it non stop. Take a phone book because they have got more P's in them tan you have in you.Paper comes in handy too. Kkkkkken
Been thinkn bout two jerry tanks for a while KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKeny, i know they'd be much more cumfy too.[]Fat lota good you blokes are[}
], i wanted to know wot the regs are, not if its ileagle and how to get round the problem.[
] So, do these responces mean that it IS ileagle to carry fuel ina passerger seat???[ there won't be a passenger init.]Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.You can always get the answer you want, if you ask enough experts.
BirdyDont know if this helps or not, but there has been many microlight pilots fly around Australia, and the world. All have carried fuel in slung panniers, and also in the passengers seat.Non that I know of ever got pulled up for carrying fuel in the extra seat.The only problem they could have been pulled up on was exceeding the aircrafts maximum AUW.I feel if you go to the trouble of ensuring it is safe and properaly secured, then you should be fine.If you set your self up for inflight refuelling, then thats a totally different issue. Regards Sam.
"If you set your self up for inflight refuelling, then thats a totally different issue." Why,??? theres no point carry'n it if you can't burn it, and if the lake is full, i wont be land'n onit.Lewella, my mate, It'll be straped in with the personel restraint system[ seat belts], so if they is good enough for the MF, theyre good enough for the 'mute'. no??And as for the AUW, it'll still be less than the standard RAF with NO passenger."IMHO, but probably wrong, is if it is an approved container, and appropriately stowed it should not be a problem"It's not a fuel drum, its an oil drum, which is stronger than a modern fuel drum anyway.Carrie'n flammable fuels?????? wot about the 80 odd liters i'm guna be sittn on?Wots the difference if you sitn onit or next to it, if the machine goes up in smoke, it'll only make a bigger cloud o smoke. I'll still be only dead.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.You can always get the answer you want, if you ask enough experts.
What do you mean "register again", log on under your own username "john". You don't have to register each time you "log on" john.Barry Ferguson,ASRA WebmasterPh (07)5464-4993Int +61 7 5464-4993logic will get you from A to B - imagination will take you anywhere