As Secretary of ASRA, and as a result of a Board decision, I wrote to the Affiliated Clubs advising them of the requirement for Club Membership and Insurance. I invited questions from those Clubs, some of whom have done just that and received answers to those questions. Some had already paid their membership, and some paid by return mail! Others just preferred to whinge on the Forum. One Club chose to put an out-of-date letter on the Forum, the contents of that letter not even being relevant to the letter that was sent out. And other information put on the Forum by that person was also incorrect. The invitation is there to obtain the correct information if you want it. The Forum is not the place to discuss all ASRA business, despite some people thinking otherwise.This is also a reminder that if clubs wish to stay affiliated they need to complete an ASRA Membership form, and return that with $40 to me by 30th June, otherwise your affiliation privileges will cease. If you need clarification about the requirement for Affiliated Clubs to be members of ASRA, please read your Constitution. I would also suggest you re-read Tim's post of 28.4.05.It looks as if there is some good news on the horizon about other Insurance for ASRA members, and when we have clarification on that we will advise. But it has no bearing on the subject of Affiliated Clubs and Insurance.LlewellaYou shouldn't push your luck. Play it safe and move the ladder..
No announcement yet.
Affiliated Clubs Insurance fees.
I repeat:The invitation is there to obtain the correct information if you want it. The Forum is not the place to discuss all ASRA business, despite some people thinking otherwise.For clarification, contact me.Secretary: Llewella EvansEmail address: far as RossB's last comments, they are very relevant to being an ASRA member and complying with the Operations Manual. But they don't really refer to this particular topic. Sorry Ross!LlewellaYou shouldn't push your luck. Play it safe and move the ladder..
Thanks Tim and Llewella for your replies. I feel that given some of the replies some of the Board/Committee Members feel threatened by outsiders making comment. Why I would want to join your club is a question I must ask given the current comments. If you feel so threatened by an outsider making any comment, you must ask yourself, do you have something to hide?After speaking with some of your members, coupled with the information posted on this forum, one must ask the question, are the ASRA concerned with the promotion of rotor craft, or, are they concerned with financial gain?Your Constitution was rather difficult to locate, but once located I see that its purpose is ...."dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, public education and safety of privately owned rotorcraft." "Rotorcraft" being the operative word.I see that a Board Member has indicated that 30% of a WA club has ASRA membership. I ask, what is the other 70% doing? I can only imagine that the other 70% fly fixed wing? If so, then that should be dealt with by the ASRA immediately to have an overwhelming proportion of any State or Territory club ASRA members. Who is paying for whom here?Yes Board members you can bag me for my comments, but I reckon the ASRA members are getting a raw deal here. You don't have to be a brain surgeon to work that one out.I'd love to join your club but not under the conditions you're advicating.Feel free to bag me, but before you do, remember the ASRA is the membership not just the Board.I love any debate, but let's keep in the spirit of what we are talking about and that is the promotion of rotor craft. Let's give the gyro fraternity the credit they deserve and not rip them off.Convince me people to join your club, I'd love to fly one of those machines. It would have to be better than sitting here dribbling this stuff.Regards,Steve Copeland(AKA Copthelot)
Hmm,At HVGC we have about 10 active members at any time, that is about 8c a week for affiliation priveleges.. beats the hell out of having to front CASA yourself for whatever it is that affiliation does, ie, adding weight to an argument by virtue of an affiliation - political clout in other words..Seems a little petty to me.Nick
Some clarification needed.The fee is for the insurance and not for Affiliation, the insurance only covers the Office Bearers of the Affiliated Clubs and not the Members.Nick! Better hurry and put your hand up and become an Office Bearer, I'm sure someone can make a good suggestion or create a position for you. "Chief Stirrer" or "President of Vice" would be good start![^]Jeff H-S
Hey you lot, there appears to be a lack of discussion on this topic! I reside in Adelaide and I've been reading this stuff to the point of where I need to make comment. I was in Alice Springs last year and saw some gyros in action just up the road. I think it was some sort of championships. It all looked good and from the feedback I got from some of the guys there, this is a sport that interests me. However, I'm not inspired by some of the comment on this particular thread. How about easing my concerns with the double dipping bit. I've been interested for a long time and I'd love to get invovled with a State club, but why are State clubs being attacked in such a manner. Copthelot, you have some valid points as well as some of the people that have replied, but the rest of you just talk a load of crap. Cheap fees and then paying another fee, do I need to get involved at all? That's the question from an outsider looking to get in. What's the real story here people? Time wasters forget replying as I'm only interested in those that can convince us fringe dwellers to join.Johno.
For someone I've never seen at a Board meeting, where these decisions are made, and who has ignored the invitation to ring to clarify any questions, Woz [aka Chicken Little] certainly cackles a lot[]. Anyone who accepts an official position with a club, that doesn't indemnify them for the inevitable risks undertaken with that position, is most unwise.[]John EvansThink logically and do things well, think laterally and do things better.
Thanks John for the wise crack at Ozy Woz and for the cautious approach to taking on a position with a club that does not have indeminty. I find that some of the comments on this particular topic are varied to the point that some wish to express their concern and others wish to divide and concer. Is a divide and concer approach a democratic approach? I would suggest not. Comments indicate that some members are happy to pay additional fees whilst others just sit back and take from those that are willing to give. This is evident from posts on this topic. Who is the ASRA? One would suggest that the ASRA is the membership and not the controlling committee. Food for thought people, if you are not willing to engage in constructive communication then you will be led like sheep and treated like sheep. What a prospect, sheep flying gyros! They talk about pigs flying, well now we have sheep. I've asked for you people to talk me into joining a club. Well the silence is deafening and unless there's life in some sort of club activities how the hell do you expect people to take interest and join? Do you people have no spirit? Can someone confirm that if I join a State club because I'm interested in their activities, and then my interset takes me to the point of wanting to fly, do I have to join the ASRA club? If that is so, why is it that I have to be a member of two clubs when there are those flying other types of aircraft that are enjoying the benfits supplied by the ASRA but they can't be bothered to join the ASRA themselves? Once again no crap only facts people.Johno.
Johno,I don't know about you, but to me the club was secondary to flying, over time this has switched roles due to the nature of the people involved and their objectives, that being to further the sport of rotor flight. I am a member of both ASRA and the Hunter Valley Gyro Club.If you want to learn how to fly there are two paths you can take, one of them is full time professional instructors, eg, Jeff Henley-Smith and others per "instructors" - refer web site home page for someone close to you. The other is to join a club and learn within the club environment. I chose the club path and though slow, it is a good way because of the many varied opinions on how to do things, some from blokes who've had years of experience and who can set you straight in a flash, saving you time. There is also a store of machines in the club environment where you can have a look at the varieties of designs for ideas on how to build one if you choose to do so, alternately it is a pool from which you might buy one.If you want to fly a Gyro, you *have* to be registered with ASRA, there is no 'state club', that is enforced by CASA, and if you are caught out flying without registration or licence, the penalties can be most severe, $4k or better, if you aren't adequately trained, the penalty could be death - by your own hand.Hope this helps,Nick.