Ozy,It is apparent Johno is not a member of a club and maybe isn't in touch with the concept of a club, especially a small one. That being to join a club which has a members with similar interests who are there to help each other along with that interest. If you feel you have to be 'talked into it', you don't understand. If you have an interest, go to a club and join, there you will find like minded people who have an idea of what it is you are trying to do, then they help you and you help them, but it must be mutual help, no laggers please.A gyro club is not a golf club, we all bog in and help as best we can. We don't have green keepers, lawn mower men or contractors to perform the trades work, we do it all ourselves. So if Johno is under the illusion that we operate like a golf club, and I have the perception that he is, he may not like our type of club environment. Besides, at about $15k for a good single seater gyro, they are so much more expensive than a set of golf clubs. (Unless you are stupid enought to buy a set at that price!)As to being pompous and patronizing, well, though he is literate, he can't spell conquer, so he can't be a solicitor or a doctor that's for sure. I think the diatribe got half way through and fell to pieces, after the 'Who is ASRA' question, the plot was lost shortly there after.If this guy is fishing then, well, half the fish in here will eat him, and his boat. Good luck to him if he is.Cheers,Nick.
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Affiliated Clubs Insurance fees.
Johno..You're very amusing.I've no idea what I've reduced myself to in order to show some resolve, unlike the whipped and frothy cream coming from your way..Yes, there is an OP spirit in the cupboard, use sparingly as it affects your ability to fly.. it also reduces cream.The last election was a ripper for me, consider an unknown from an unknown party shaking up the political tree, 171 votes is an excellent result for me.So you're a shrink then, maybe aka Mr Sigmund Fraud?Forest and Trees are called tiger country, and we don't want to see them, it is unsafe to do so, we don't like to see either, maybe now you understand the problem with forests and trees ..If you're so full of vim and vigor why not show us all how it has to be done the 'Johno' way.. place your stamp on the organisation! Oh, sorry, you're not a member, you cannot have a say.So as an outsider with this omnipotent presence and vision, please tell us what you see, what is really going on??I'm sure we would all be pleased to know.
Well, well, well, here we have detective Oz that Woz. Sounds more like you're tryin to be a psychic and analyse what's not really there, but if you want to bark up any trees then it might as well be the wrong one! Princess, I like your thought processes, way out of control and more than likely jammed in top gear goin nowhere. You talk about the word "people". I ask you what the hell are you, a Martian or what? You talk about the "A.S.R.A." Well let me tell you that the A.S.R.A. is an acronym for the Australian Sport Rotorcraft Association is it not? If so, then it should be put in the correct context. That's if you're literate! I try to publish in a correct manner, thought that was the decent thing to do. Now Nancy boy Nackers, if you think that Woz is a detective, then you're as bad as him! You blokes, and I guess you are, would be hard pressed to organise a booze-up in a brothel! I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I'm not the enemy, but if you wish to continue on your path to the ridiculous then don't let me stop you. Just have a look how much interest this topic has generated. What are the rest of you doing that show interest in reading this stuff? Go back to the start and read it again and then give us all a synopsis of what the main points are. Use a dictionary if you don't know what a synopsis is. I'm not going to do everything for ya.Johno
ah,Technical point fool, one does not organise a booze up in a brothel, one organises it in a pub, the Globe will be the next such venue for same, so, consider it organised. Me thinks you meant 'shag in a brothel', if being sufficiently intoxicated, we could end up there after the Globe. So, what were you saying about being organised?If you were literate you might use the 'you' instead of 'ya' and 'going' in lieu of 'goin', what were saying about being literate, shall we have you as a yard stick?Yes, you try... no doubt everyone around you.Now I'm of the firm belief the 'o' at the end of the 'John' really means something, that being zero.Goodnight.Nick.
Woz, I have noted an agenda item for the next ASRA meeting in 7 weeks time - re the affiliated clubs fee and hope to get the whys and wherefores tabulated into an ASRA "Administration Procedure" so that your origonal question can be answered at the drop of a hat with reference to an official document. The benefits of club affiliation have long been known but have never before been officially recorded so I hope this will solve the problem.I will see to it that you personally get a copy.See, it does get in. It takes blokes like you to make us get off our backsides and do somethimg. Tim McClure
If you really wany to fly we shouldn't have to talk you into it. If we do have to talk you into it, then you really shouldn't be flying. I'm not being a smart Alec , just stating the obvious. I think learning to fly might be the most important issue. Tackle that first. Clubs/ No Clubs, Asra/ No Asra, wont make an ounce of difference if you really want to fly. My thoughts, take it or leave it . Ken