Well, I just test flew my ej25 kruser cabin ship with my homemade 1mm alclad tall tail as the RAF tail was no good. Quite a few villagers came to watch with their camera"s as they thought I might crash. I also made a hor. stab. out of the same material, using no ribs, just one spar and relying on the skin for the strength. (No foam) I am happy to say it worked well and I am no longer fighting on left rudder to stay straight. During the construction the rudder ended up with an "S" bend neatly down the trailing edge. (Christ knows how) so I decided to tell the world that I did an impact study on the computer and it said to do it for extra strength. Next the stabiliser came out of the bender with more travel for the air on one side, so I placed that side down and I shall tell the world that that is to give a slight suction downwards thus holding the nose up a bit at high speed. Lastly there is a bit more down suction on the right hand side due to a slight distortion so thats to counteract for RH prop. rotation torque reaction. Yee- Haaar I"m a genius. ;D Just have to find someone in this area to do the final tune on the micro tech system. I"m sure the engine has a bit more go in it.
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Tall tail
the hardest part of loading the photos was to know how to resize your photos and save them and then to know where I saved them.[ I have a file called " gyro webb " other wise it will time out trying to load the standard size photo . I struggled with it [ for a long time ] but once I got it I could understand it ok., considering I"m a dumb ass with computers .
The RAF tail looked good a long way back, but the wind swirl off the potrony prop. made the old girl turn right with RH Rot. prop. when powered up hence one was fighting with the left rudder and getting numb toes. The tall tail, now very close to the prop. seems to cut the swirl and alows even rudder press. under full power. (May even pull out of flat spins better) I"ve put the Hor. Stab right back as it was too hard to mount it in the middle of the tall tail. Sould be more efective there I guess. I shall place a couple of small Vert. stabilizers on the ends of the Hor. stab. just to make her a bit easier to fly. I"ll teach the misses how to land it incase I drop dead at the stick. (Much rather die in the saddle) ;D
Max, maybe turn your engine a few degrees so the prop blast thinks the tail is crooked and you wont have to fight with the rudder so much?Either that or a big juicy trim tab on the rudder?Lets see some pics of the tail? Where is the pivot point? 25% (ish) from the leading edge?Only the good die young Max, I think you will be ok for quite a few decades yet
Test flew the old ej25 kruser cabin girl yest. morning. It flew like a dream. So easy to control compared to the RAF tail with add-ons. It doesn"t look beautiful but rides magnificently. Just like a lady I once knew ;D The missus has put photos on my (Max Tate) facebook with her I phone.
Took the old girl for a half hr. spin yesterday. Flew like a dream again. Made some cosmetic adjustments to the tail. Thanks to all the parts suppliers including Bunnings aviation for some alloy tube. K/Mart aviation for the $35 rotor Tach. (Bicycle speedo) which works well. At last I have decent comms. (VHF dash mount instead of hand held) Can"t believe she flies straight with no trim tabs. I like to think that the distortions in the rudder and stabiliser which turned out to trim her perfectly was some kind of guardian angel making me do it. Here goes, I"m on the paranormal stuff again. ;D She"s built for long range. Plenty of on board entertainment. AM FM radio. option for music input. VHF HF and FM transceivers. The missus is coming for a beach flight on the weekend to assess the comfort, ect. If she passes it, I"ve backed a winner.The 1mm Alclad worked out so strong without any ribs that the rudder and stab. required no internal foam and came out 5KG lighter than the RAF rudder configuration.