This topic had previously got out of hand and deleted from the forum. Since it is an interesting piece I have reposted it. This was originally posted by Tim McClure.Regards, BarryScrambled Eggs"Sorry, but I feel I need to say this again. I believe it is a dangerously misleading presumption that your particular gyro configuration is stability safe just because it is "CLT". It may be, but it may not be either true CLT or as safe as you assume! At least one manufacturer sells a "CLT" gyro that does not have a HS - claiming a HS is not necessary because it is "CLT". (Without a HS, "dynamic stability" - PIO protection is not assured). Some "CLT" gyros are actually low prop thrustline ("LTL") which can have other stability and pitch response issues. It can be dangerously misleading, with dangerously misplaced confidences, to rely on one "egg" in the basket. Stability is more than "CLT"! it is more than a HS! Stability is a combination of a lot of aerodynamic issues - not the least of which is the oft forgotten aerodynamic drag and pitching moments on the airframe at high airspeeds!Pitch stability is more about a balance of all the "eggs in the basket"! You cannot assure that all the "eggs" are "balanced" just simply because you have a high seat, or a low seat, or a "thingamajig" on the mast or tail!CLT may be a valuable asset - for static pitch stability - but it is not the only goal. Pure and true "CLT" may actually not provide more than a neutral static stability - true "positive" stability margins are important for the average pilot! And, how can you be sure you have real "CLT"? Have you hung your gyro from two points to be sure?And, at higher airspeeds - where most fatal accidents related to pitch instability occur - what is your drag line doing? Is the overall drag of your gyro so much below the CG that it is making your gyro statically unstable - regardless of prop thrustline - or at lower power settings when prop thrustline is little or no factor? Or, maybe it is that large windscreen or full enclosure that is destabilizing your gyro at higher airspeeds - requiring more HS or even lower thrustline!Prop thrustlines and static stability are all about "balance". It IS possible to make ANY high thrustline gyro (HTL) stable - with the addition of a large enough horizontal stabilizer. But, the price in efficiency from the increased rotor loads and HS drag is a compromise. Large high thrustlines, to be safe, may be "energy hogs" - but they can be made stable. But, it is technically misleading to make broad statements that HTL gyros are not safe - they certainly can be at least as safe as any other configuration - in some cases even more stable and safe if done right! It is also technically misleading and perhaps dangeously so, to decare that "CLT", on its own, will make you safe - prop thrustline is just one piece of the picture that actually has little or no effect at lower power settings!"Balance" of a low prop thrustline is also important - many proclained "CLT" gyros are actually LTL with strong nose-up pitching tendencies with power applied. Does the HS "balance" any severe nose-up or nose-down reaction when power is suddenly changed? And satisfying this nose balance condition, are positive static stability margins (Power, Airspeed and G-Load) still achieved under all combinations of power, airspeed and loading?I'm not trying to minimize anyone's efforts to help others to be safe. But, I am saying it is a disservice, and possibly an unintended dangeous disservice, to try to convince people that any one configuration element ("egg in the basket") will make them safe. It may make them safer, in some flight regimes - but will they understand there may be flight regimes in which their safety could be compromised - less stable conditions that the pilot is not prepared for when something happens - such as when the engine suddenly quits at high speed.All is not lost. Perform the three static stability tests and detemine the airspeed, power and loading edges of your safe flight envelope! You may find your "CLT" gyro to be perfectly positively statically stable in all conditions of flight. But, it may not be, and I do not believe anyone should be implying any single configuration "egg" makes it perfectly safe if you have not tested it, and especially just because it has presumed "CLT"! Just because your particular "CLT" configuration "feels" stable in normal flight, doesn't mean it is safe and stable in all flight regimes - and you certainly shouldn't suggest to others that their gyro is perfectly safe just because it has a presumed "CLT" too! Too many other configuration parameters affect stability - not just one of the "eggs in the basket"!ALL gyro configurations should be flight tested to determine the speed, power and loading envelope in which it is safe, from a pitch stability standpoint, to operate for your gyro. This is essentially determining your Vne and other power, airspeed and loading limits. Do the static testing, and certainly do not rely on someone else's confidences that you are safe just because one of the "eggs in your basket" is the same as another person's "egg" on their gyro!
What are these configuration "eggs" that can make a difference in your gyro's stability and safety. The combinations of configuration elements that factor into the pitch stability of a gyro include
rop thrustlineairframe drag lineairframe aerodynamic moments such as size and shape of windscreens and enclosuresHS sizeHS aerodynamic shapeHS position, on the keel or more imbedded in propwashHS aft position (moment arm)airframe inertiaairframe moment of inertia - how long your gyro isThere may be some very good guidelines to follow in the initial configuration of all the "eggs" on your gyro. These include:minimize propeller offset - high or lowmaximize HS "volume" - size, shape, moment arm, etc."balance" the areas ahead of the CG with horizontal and vertical surfaces aft of the CGavoid draggy things that can cause the airframe to fly nose-lower at higher airspeedsBut, after the gyro is built and flying, flight tests are the only way to see if you got all the "eggs" combined in the right way. Especially you want to know if this "scramble of eggs" will keep things stable and safe within the full operating envelope you want to fly (airspeed, power and loading). Do the flight tests, no matter how confident you are that you have one good "egg" that will save your butt - it might not do the job all on it's own!Greg Gremminger - Promoting gyroplane safety through demonstration and education" Taken from the US Gyroplane ForumTim McClure
Edited by - Tim on 21/11/2005 3:30:14 PM
What are these configuration "eggs" that can make a difference in your gyro's stability and safety. The combinations of configuration elements that factor into the pitch stability of a gyro include

Edited by - Tim on 21/11/2005 3:30:14 PM