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  • #46
    Thanks Ted.I haven't forgotten that disk but just haven't been near the post office. Will do this coming week.Go Maroons!Are there any laws stopping us from using non-piston powerplants?cyatelfFlying - The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. (Douglas Adams-The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy)


    • #47
      Barry,reason ? for deleting my post.


      • #48
        Must admit Phil, it gave me a bloody good laugh while it lasted, think yourself lucky.......only your post was deleted.Several months ago an entire thread was axed, seems it was too much humour for the guy to handle......yea it was the "avocardo" thread.....yip, totally removed, the bloody lot, got a heap of emails re that one, all pissed[V]Again, just the other week I posted on the asra site, wat monies had to date been collected by ASRA, on the rebuild job re "that crash". Thawt as they were collecting, then ask THEM.......nar, sorry, WRONG SITE, to ask that, was the response........I tell's time, it's time, for some gardening, and yea......still waitin for the $$$$ amount collected by ASRA.Was going to give this forum thing the flick, got tawked out of it by a lot of guysRuss....A1014 NT....gods country


        • #49
          Righto.... Which of you guys talked the itinerant into staying on???Just joking Russell. [][][]TedBTW Pick your bottom lip up out of the dirt, else you'll trip over it


          • #50


            • #51
              Phil,Copyright springs to mind, if that photo is owned by someone who put a price on it, it cannot be published here without their consent. Though you'd probably already thought of it.Enjoyable while it lasted.Cheers,Nick.


              • #52

