HiJust wanted to post a few photo"s of a raf which I am starting to restore after it has had a home in the grass for about 6 years.
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Raf Restoration
Mauds,The RAF"s are good little machines, however, I would stick to maximum power, if I was you. I had a RAF and flew it for about 200hrs, thoroughly enjoyed the ride but they are hungry for power and it takes a bit to get the rotors humming. I did my RAf training with Eben Mocke in South Africa and would recommend that you get in touch with him. He is the agent that bought the RAF2000 business from the Canadian Original Manufacturers. He can be reached at http://rafpilots.com/training.htmYou are welcome to phone me at 0409752853 to discuss further.Regards,Colin
Hi John, I owned Raf G-186 and trained quite a few students in it, and I have conducted several thousand hours in Rafs as I was their Aussie agent for a while. The guy I sold it to, a ground mustering contractor, rolled it within a couple of weeks. I told him to just spot with it and direct the motor bikes until he gained experience, I also pleaded with his wife to make him follow my advice, BUT he knew better!!!! Someone else bought it and came to me, probably 6 years ago to help him conduct the drop keel modification. I heard that sometime later he had tried to be an airborne musterer before he was ready. Not sure if that part is true BUT he still has all my Raf construction and operating manuals, as well as owing me $2,000 for the h/stab and rear windscreen I supplied!!!!If I can be of any help yell out. There will be a few things that you might need help with since the Raf belt drive has been changed to a gearbox. My email is
The 2.2 suby will do the job so long as you stick to 30 ft rotors. I wouldnt bother changing engines, the 2.5 has proven to have its problems unfortunately. Its all about weight and for a great example of that very thing you have Birdy with a former RF driven by a 914 rotax.The RAF has lots of bits that can wear and aussie paul knows RAFS inside out.AS PB says, RAF"s are not for mustering.......well, you can and I know a couple who did use them but you would need to be a well above average pilot to get away with using the sled !They have a shocking seating arrangement and the more I think about what you are embarking on, I would have a real good think and get everything costed before you start as from what you described, the mast /pushrods and a few other things may have to be re newed plus head bearings. The pushrods under the seaet will need checking as well for binding /corrosion etc and the list goes on. Having said all that, if you enjoy restorations than you have the right article for the project !BTW, there have been some pretty reasonable RAFS in good order sell around the 40 /45 thou mark just to give you an idea of seconhand prices. Good luck.
G"day JohnTake note of what Brian said about costing the project first, "BTW, there have been some pretty reasonable RAFS in good order sell around the 40 /45 thou mark just to give you an idea of seconhand prices. Good luck."A few months ago I took delivery of my 2005 RAF.
Thanks Paul,15kg is a lot of extra weight, is the extra HP worth it?No she doesn"t have injection, it runs a Holley.Are the SOHC 25s as common as the double?As the eng. mounts are only supported at each end, have there been any issueswith failures due the the extra weight of the 25 in the centre? , [under normal op. conditions]Cheers...Rafferty"s Rules
Thanks Paul,15kg is a lot of extra weight, is the extra HP worth it?No she doesn"t have injection, it runs a Holley.Are the SOHC 25s as common as the double?As the eng. mounts are only supported at each end, have there been any issueswith failures due the the extra weight of the 25 in the centre? , [under normal op. conditions]Cheers...Rafferty"s RulesHi Rafferty, does it run a coil and distributor ignition? The extra hp is probably worth it if you operate with high density altitudes. SOHC are harder to get now. The engine mount system, if set up correctly will handle the 165hp. When I selected an engine mounting system I copied the Raf as there are hundreds of their nice light weight and vibrationless engine mounts operating around the world. BUT, I made it a little thicker around where the rubber mounts attach. to allow for me using the ej-25.I can tell you how to pick up a little hp, reduce fuel consumption by 20% and eliminate the carby ice problems the the carby Rafs suffer from badly in a large range of atmospheric conditions.Aussie Paul.