Howdy All... Welp I am in the proccess now of stepping down the keel to my gyro to get the thrust line down.... already got the tail off and tube cut and temporairly bolted back on to see how she looks ...I will be moving the main gear foward as well to get it to rotate to the tail wheel on take off.... Got alot to do so I will be busy for the next week or so ! thanks for the help ! and Aussie Paul Thank you for your insight ! and sujestions , Your the man of the hour ! something like ! hehehehhecatch youz all later ! Bob." Momm'a alwayse told me , Son the impossable is only a little bit Harder... and ya know I do believe She was RIGHT ! "
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Re workin me gyro one more time !
From the looks of things i will be dropping the Keel exactly 4" behind the mast ,grar box is turned over and makeing preperations for the plate to bolt it all togather with . Looks like i'll have plunty of ground clearance under the keel .... i was concerned about that ! still got lots to do ! See ya !Bob...." Momm'a alwayse told me , Son the impossable is only a little bit Harder... and ya know I do believe She was RIGHT ! "
Here are 2 more of what it was to begin with , the little one was what I ended up with after putting all the pieces togather to start with, the one with the wheels up front was the tail dragger config that didn't work. Bob...Image Insert:32.66
So Now ya have a better idea of what I'm dealing with here. I will Post some pics of the NEW Configuration soon , I am nearing completeion but ran into a few snags that only Money will fixso it has to wait a bit .... C ya !Bob...." Momm'a alwayse told me , Son the impossable is only a little bit Harder... and ya know I do believe She was RIGHT ! "
Howdy Nique Naque ! Well No... I ain't fell out yet ! got a 3 point harnis and them grab bars.... and believe me those grab bars helpped when she flopped over on her side ! the tail dragger didn't work because it inevitably wanted to do a sharp left hand turn right at take-off ....I sense found out that that is because of the center of gravity was too far behind the front wheels .... makeing it want to swap ends if given hald a chance .... which it certainly did try to do ! ... Although the ground stability was greatly improved it was essentially useless this way because you couldn't get above 20mphwithout it takeing you for a sharp left turn and a haing on for dear life Ride ! all the steering in the world did nothing to stop it once it started to turn.... Thinking i could Maybe Perhaps get OVER the point where it wanted to turn on me , i tried giveing her more throttle and got her to about 25mph before she turned.... the turn was so sharp it left 3 skid marks on the pavement , and then went over on her side in the dirt.... the sound of the rotor hitting the ground is something i'll never forget ... as well as the warp drive prop hitting the pavement, but other than the rotor and the prop there was a scratch on the Horizonal stablizer , and that was all the dammage !... when i un buckeled myself and fell to the ground , I stood up and noticed the shrapnal landing all arround me ... when that explosion of the rotor and prop went off it threw stuff a quarter mile ! ..... but thats Old news now .... that happened last year , I spent the rest of the year repairing my poor rotor and prop ! Yes ... I repaired them , not replaced them ! their as strong as they ever were .... but also alot heavier !!!!!!.... But now that I changed the configuration ALOT it should be a docile machine ... I hope ! Catch ya later !Bob......." Momm'a alwayse told me , Son the impossable is only a little bit Harder... and ya know I do believe She was RIGHT ! "
I worked on getting the Front Nose blocks on today , got'em on there and it looks like its going to work out just fine.I went to 3 hardware stores today looking for grade 8 case hardened bolts the longest any of them had was 2.5" ! GRRRRR !and i couldn't find any alum Welding rod for my stick welder eather , but that didn't realy supprise me too much ! hehehe Other than that I got the engine all hooked up but will have to put some spacers under the rear motor mounts to get the prop at the right angle ...... and I got the Pre rotator gear box all hooked up and ready to go . I am going to replace one of the universal joints in the drive line ... it looks like the pins are loose so its chuck-it time ! ... I still have a bunch to do ... gott'a weld up the front forks and hook them up to the steering pedals make a longer drive line out of the old one . gott'a hook up the rudder to the pedals .... that should be fun ! change the trailer to accomidate the Gyro's new stance ! Haing test it , and make new cheekplates. ballance test it so I know where she's at . Paint the new stuff so its all the same color ! repair the chunk I took out of the rotor when I dropped it ! ( Whimper, moan ! cry ! ) then I should be close to being done ! hehehehehehe.... strange how things alwayse creep up when you think your done with it ! hehehehehehehe... I estimate it'll be ready next week some time .... would'a been this week if I had found the welding rod ! oh well !maybe I'll go into town and get it myself on the motorcycle ! good excuse for a ride anyway ! C ya !Bob." Momm'a alwayse told me , Son the impossable is only a little bit Harder... and ya know I do believe She was RIGHT ! "
Bob,If I was a Jihadi, I'd keep quiet in the hope you'd do something nasty to yourself, but, I'm not.Forgive me for this, but you sound like one wild mother.. over here we have a saying that gyros don't kill pilots, pilots kill gyros. On what you've published so far, you're a cause for deep concern, this is a heads up I guess, time to be very blunt, I think you are dangerous.I'm not saying you are nasty or stupid, but cavalier - full speed ahead and to hell with the consequences. Time to throttle back Bob, before you die.Please have a damn good look at machines that fly safely already and model your machine on them, my guess is that you want to enjoy the thrill of flight time and again, to do this in conjunction with blind experiments is not going to work for you. Have a read of Igor Bensens book on his experiments, from what I understand he tried almost everything to do with gyro designs, and he tells us which ones work in the form of his bensen design.If you've fixed your rotors I hope you appreciate what the term 'work hardening' means. To demonstrate this to yourself, bend a length of steel wire, a coat hanger will do, bend it at a point and keep working that backward and forward, it is a form of accelerated fatigue, it snaps off, so, you've accelerated the fatigue in your rotor blades by bending them and straightening them, a dangerous practice because you don't know how much of their life has been taken by the accident and then the repair, it's like cigarette smoking, you really don't know which cigarette gave you cancer.You'll probably think I'm a ******* for saying what I have, but I figure it is for your own good, I can only hope in so doing I can enjoy more of your posts, rather than seeing them suddenly stop.... as the result of one of your experiments.Cheers,Nick.
nick pull your head in, you are obviosly educated beyond your natural inteligence and shouldnt claim to be an expert with the few hours you have flown.what if bensen diddnt think outside the square?bob k, good luck for the future and i admire the fact that instead of thowin stones, sittin back and mockin others you are out havin a go!!
Hoodman,What does an executioner wear?Go on, put his neck on the block, right there, yeah, chop it.I've seen the price of misplaced encouragement, souls worked up to a fervour with a belief in themselves beyond their capacity to cope, attempting the impossible and dying in the process, wriggling on the ground. Very black I know, but very real, Mr Hood, something I hope never to see again." nickpull your head in, you are obviosly educated beyond your natural inteligence and shouldnt claim to be an expert with the few hours you have flown."If you can find where I've said I'm an expert, you get ten stars. I've never claimed to be an expert, it is the one thing I'll always deny, because the moment that you call yourself an expert, you may was well call yourself a w*anker, ie, ex spurt. As to my natural intelligence, I have none, so it wouldn't be hard to be educated beyond it. Some people say FIGJAM, but I can happily say FIDJAM.."what if bensen diddnt think outside the square?"Do yourself a favour, read his book. I'm given to understand Igor was waaay smarter than me, so it might read a little better than a nursery rhyme, why, even *you* might learn something.Cheers,Nick.
HEHE !Well NiqueNaque I have to admit this isn't the first time i have hurd such alarming words ! ... if its the Bent blades your worried about fear not , I'm not stupid ! the leading edge on eather blade was not bent in the slitest or i would have tossed them, or made a wind mill out'a them ! hehehe ! but the Alum leading edge was un harmed , it was the fiberglass and foam core that took the beating ... thats all .... Yes the glass I put on is thicker than the original tishue paper they put on at the factory and it was a bugger to ballance the blades in the end , but it was acconplished and they are fine .... they look rough I have to admit, and some day I'll clean them up or use the leading edge as a starting place to make a new set ... I experiment with things all the time ! its what i do ! I love to do that ... as far as the gyro goes I never do anything rash... I think it out well before I do something.... in the case of the Tail dragger design i missed one key factor and that one fact came back and bit me ! .... it don't pay to miss important things ! but I did ... and when I realised that it was the COG being so far back it was like OH YAH ! ... how stupid of me ! and with that realisation I also knew that design was doomed ! because i know the craft so well ! .... I don't mean to boast but there isn't a piece on that gyro out there i can't make , with the exception of the engine and 90 degree gearbox for the pre-rotator.... and those i Know for certain I can repair ! of that I have no doubt in my mind at all ! its a SIMPLE craft my friend nothing complicated about it at all.... However , Putting all those Pieces togather so it will work properly Is extreamily complicated. Like most out there I am LEARNING how to do just that . You mentioned O'l Doc Benson and that he tried just about every thing ..... well thats just what I'm doing too , that is alwayse what I've done ... I tinker, I try to improve .... When I find something that doesn't work the way I think it should I change it .the gyro is a case in point ! I had a "Working Bumble Bee !" it actually flew with me in the seat about a foot off the ground...BUT it was Dangerous as Hell the way it was ! that is Why i tried to change it .... not because I had nothing else to do ! I wanted to fly the thing without Killing myself in the proccess ! , and that still holds true ! Its Hard for people to understand me or my way of thinking , I know that , I was raised on a ranch where if i wanted something I had to make it or do without it .... it was that simple .... I come by the mechanical ability naturally , its instintive , well almost ! hehehe at the age of 3yrs I took appart the Kitchen clock to see how it worked... I was amazed ! it was a real learning experiencethen Dad came in and said if that clock isn't back togather and working by 8:00pm your goung to get the whipping of your life ! ..... I could tell by the look in his eyes he ment it too ! .... by 6:00pm or so it was all back togather and working it cept time fine for 14 years long as Mom remembered to wind it up ! ( I never touched it after that ! ) Nope ! I don't think you a ******* for saying what you've said , because Each man has a right to his own views ! and besides I am Cavilear in many ways , it is Full speed ahead and damm the consiquences when you take the Hacksaw to the frame of your Gyro !!!!! hehehehehehehe ! and YES I hope i've done enough resurch TOO ! believe me ! As for me being Dangerous , Well Yah to a certain extent ... i have been known to do dumb things from time to time , but I try like heck to keep that to a minimum ! Its Like the Theory when takeing off for the first time .... the Vast majority say don't go more than a few inches off the ground. there is another theory that says get the heck away from the ground and its safer ! get to know the aircraft how it handles before you try to land again .... One is the Polar oppisit of the other , BUT both have their merrits ! but you need to look at all things in order to see both sides of the story.... Remember , its not the flying that kills ya , its the sudden stop at the ground that does ! In my mind the experiments I have done are a calculated Risk, on the one hand was the risk of doing nothing.... and believe me that was higher than you think. on the other , If I figure it all out Correctly there will be little to no problem . I don't expect any of you to understand that , because your not in my shoes ! But I won't condem you for not seeing things my way eather ! I believe you are sincer in your Belief that i will go out and do myself an injury or worse doing something off beat as i am prone to do , I appreaciate that ! for someone that has been tought that Aircraft have to be just so so or you're gunn'a die that is a reasonable responce... but they don't have to be just SO SO in EVERY single detail ! in ALOT of the details they Need to be but not all ! that is where we differ in our thinking ! I'm willing to stake my life on my changes, good thing , seeing as thats how it actually is .... you on the other hand wouldn't make a change to your mechine unless its PROVEN to you to be a good idea , then you'ed probly be reluctant to do so.... but who is going to come up with those changes in the first place ? the guy willing to change the machine or the guy thats going to wait till its a sure thing first ? Now I admit I come accross as a illiterate dolt that don't have enough sense to blow his nose , and my typeing sure does incourage that way of thinking . but my mechanical background probly surpasses most humans easily , Granted I have alot to learn in the feild of avaition, but I am sure i can handle it ! after all , thats why I'm here ! I wann'a learn ! Nope Your not a ******* Nique Naque ! just a man that speaks his mind ! thats good cuz so do I ! No problem ! and Thanks Hoody Much appreaciated ! I got a long way to go fer i know all there is to know about Gyros ! HAHAH !but maybe , just maybe I'll figure out something realy NEET ! C'ya !Bob.....Gads ! sorry for the BOOK ! (blush !)" Momm'a alwayse told me , Son the impossable is only a little bit Harder... and ya know I do believe She was RIGHT ! "
Originally posted by NiqueNaqueHoodman,If you can find where I've said I'm an expert, you get ten stars. I've never claimed to be an expert, Nackers you may not have claimed to be an expert but you sure as hell would like people to get the impression that you are.I am afraid that i didn't get that impression of you,quite thwe opposite in fact.
Now Now Boys ! lets not be fightin ' its not lady like..... er wait a min' .... thats not right ! .... Ok we're all Dumb asses and lets leave it at that shall we ? HAHAHHAHAHAHA! What do you fellers do when the Crocks are out'a season anyway ? go stare down a Cobra ? whata' scrapy bunch ! Not to change the subject ...BUT..... does anyone have a front fork type of front wheel assembly on their gyro ? thats what I'm makeing up ( mainly cuz I know motorcycles! ) I'ed like to see the hookup to the frame from the forks ! ..... on one that works ..... saw one that failed..... oooooh nasty ! C ya ! Bob......" Momm'a alwayse told me , Son the impossable is only a little bit Harder... and ya know I do believe She was RIGHT ! "
Bob,Very balanced view, I'm impressed. I think Murray Barker posted a reasonable one for his two seater, do a search on his threads.Marty,Your opinion doesn't affect me.How I 'come across' is up to your perception, not mine, I cannot govern how people think.Far better for me to say I think something is dangerous than to stay quiet, I'd rather make a fool of myself because what if I am for once right? Would you be the one to discourage this, if so then where do your morals lie? I'll be interested to see your reply.Cheers,Nick.