Please Explain....Explain What?Tail is gelcoated so clients can give colour with out the pinholes that present from epoxy layup.Plus my gelcoat is royal blue, whilst that is close to Baltic blue it"s not close enough. Therefore I have opted to two pack the tail in metalic baltic blue......if the isocyanates dont kill me first.I will be two packing the instrument pod and faceplate,
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Tail layup
Well, being my first time at two packing and spray painting generally. I have not had the best of days. It was however not a total stuff up.HVLP...High Volume Low PressureI didnt lay the two coats on thick enough. Being to reserved. As a consequence I ended up with a rough texture sand papery second coat.Fix....wet and dry the article with 400.Hint....wait 24 hrs....If you rub it back to early the pain is not really dry and loads up on the paper and will scratch your work.Spray article till you get a medium wet coat, not a satin/overspray effect.
I"m dying here! >>
:"( :"( :"(Two pack...Hmmm!The colour din"t seem to go on real even this morning and the clear coat ran in parts, was to lean in others (satin) and perfect gloss in others, spoilt only by the odd bit of "dust fibre" that adhered to the gloss!Do I wet and dry the "runs" back to "flush", then add another coat of clear? If so do I do the whole, rub it back with say 400 w/d then hit up again with a coat of clear.???If you rub back the surface clear coat does it cause discolouration?What should I do at this point?
G"Day Dave,Mate long time since we connected, how"s life treating you?Hope you had a great new years, as we did, very layback.I appreciate the info.Put the tail on the gyro yesterday evening, just so the visitors could have a look. The thing is the tail balance rod and leading edges are glassy, followed by a run, then this shark skin texture.So Dave are you saying I could rub back the run area (clear coat) and the textured areas (clear coat) and be carefull not to break thru to the colour. Once I have these areas I"m not happy with, rubbed back and keep building clear coat upon these this what you call compounding? Building up the clear coat and rubbing it back till it"s smooth like the rest of the clear coat?My question would be then if I use the smaller touch up gun how do I treat the clear coat that will over spray onto the already glassy sections?
G"Day Dave,Mate long time since we connected, how"s life treating you?The thing is the tail balance rod and leading edges are glassy, followed by a run, then this shark skin texture.So Dave are you saying I could rub back the run area (clear coat) and the textured areas (clear coat) and be carefull not to break thru to the colour. Once I have these areas I"m not happy with, rubbed back and keep building clear coat upon these this what you call compounding? Building up the clear coat and rubbing it back till it"s smooth like the rest of the clear coat?My question would be then if I use the smaller touch up gun how do I treat the clear coat that will over spray onto the already glassy sections?
G"Day Gents,Well firstly I"d like to thank everyone who has offered advice and helpfull hints during my whole fibreglass/composites journey, which is culminated in me applying a two pack metallic auto paint system to the tail a some other parts.Dave B, Bob, Yep Bob and Rob P in particular. Thanks fellas,I"m hoping all the trapped dust will buff back/off. If I"d had a dust free environment the job would have been "mickey duck". I made many mistakes not the least of which was adding hardner to the base coat,
and doing so on more than one occassion, ??? :
anyway, it"s good enough for some numbers and some Butterfly logos.Cheers,Mitch.