Gentlemen;If there be an absence of substance in a place, then that place must be a vacuum, hence, "vacuous....", if there is a tiny bit of substance in the place then it may not be a perfect vacuum, but relatively, a vacuum none the less.Mr Woolley, good to see you again, I"ll look up Mr Hoins as I find your reading material is always interesting. Should I get rid of all my credit cards? I"ve a friend who has a NAB master card which apparently can"t be loaded - is that a solution?
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What the.........
Many farmers and business went bust in the 80"s because they borrowed the Swiss Franc and as you stated it was from the advice of the banks..It is also reported that the $700 million rescue package is only the tip of the iceberg.The sum goes into the trillions and the States are printing money that cannot be backed up.
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"The LaRouche Youth Movement and the CEC have extensively circulatedLaRouche"s draft legislation for a Homeowners and Bank Protection Bill "As ever, Mr Nique Naque, you stir my interest. Just bought the book, now cop this:The Child support agency created a court order out of thin
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Steady on Joe ol mate, youll scare this limp wrist off before i find out who it is. :We both know it has no balls, thats why it"s so smart behind a pooter screen, but wurry not, its stupid enuff to blow its cover. ;D[ ill remember to take me camera, so"s i can catch the expression on its face wen i knock on its door.
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Joew,It seems to me that you are still a very angry and dangerous man.Still fixated in giving your opponent"s a little bayonet.This at the age of 60 worries me.
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Joew,You are so naive,even ASRA and other organisations lobbies the government.Why?,ask yourself that question.
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Stick that in ya ear Kimberly where do you think the money went?I find it amazn just how many people dont know where it can from, origionaly.It came from those poor [ literaly] gullible fools who thought the financial mob was there to help them live way beyond their means long before they are due it.
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"As for Joew, if you agree 100% with Birdie"s opinion, I"m disappointed you are not a deeper thinker."Kym,Did YOU think deep, before you engaged your mouth, and came out with the above gem??!!Let me enlighten you with some "deep thinking"! If you believe that "Politicians/governments" run the country, you are away in La-La land. I observe, daily, the procession of "Lobbyists" going to the Hill in Canberra for meetings with the government or opposition politicians (depending what political persuasion they happen to be) Who do you think they "LOBBY" for???? Yes, those self-same CEO"s!!!"All you say about the CEO"s etc are true,however this is only a small part of our problems"I hate to disagree with you Kym, but, they are the largest part of our problems. It may look complicated but is really very simple. It is all about "MONEY and GREED".With this market collapse, where do you think the money went? It doesn"t just disappear, it has to be somewhere, and, when you look closely, you will find that some people are now a lot richer than they were!Let me give you a "simple" example: George Soros, international financier, billionaire investor, spends a billion dollars to buy Australian currency. Due to the size of his :"buy" the value of the Oz dollar goes up. Every mug then buys the Oz dollar and it rises. Good ol" George now dumps his billion and makes a neat profit.Who do you think are the losers?Even in the communist countries it is about "MONEY and GREED". On the top are the "Capitalist Communist Elite" having lots of money and perks. They run the country by fear and intimidation, using a large number of idealists to do their bidding, until the masses can"t take it anymore and you have an uprising.And, before you shoot off the orifice with another of your "gems", I have been there, done that and have a couple of bullet holes to prove it!!In closing, yes, it is that simple. It is only people like you who want to make it complicated!!!I think the following sums it up admirably:
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I know the banks have been pretty loose with their lending of late Nik, but i think that even they would draw the line at a mortgage for ol kimbo.
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Kym,What about this:The LaRouche Youth Movement and the CEC have extensively circulated LaRouche"s draft legislation for a Homeowners and Bank Protection Bill in the Australian Parliament, Isherwood emphasised. "But Rudd and Turnbull are running a terror campaign to stop anyone introducing it. Therefore the Australian people are going to pay the price in soaring foreclosures, job losses, and soon enough, bank collapses and misery here in Australia far worse than anything seen in the Great Depression." For more information about LaRouche and his New Bretton Woods proposal, buy your copy of What Australia Must do to Survive the Depression. do you reckon about this governance? Do you have a mortgage? I do and I am worried quite a bit about it being met if work dries up, its bad enough paying for it as it is now.Cheers,Nic.
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Phew, "its" back. Glad ol Nik didnt scare you off kimbo, he"s not realy that scarey. :Hope we continue to be graced with your in depth and highly interlectual comments. Wot a d*&^h&^$d
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Having a little drama boys....A ***** slap or two!!Oxford street for you Nic. Kym.
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Oi Mr fly, no name calln orrite. Its naughty. Im not bitchn, ill just miss the entertainment ol mate Bosca provides if youv scared him off.
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Birdy,I"m going to start calling you the cat-fight.. meowrrr.. that"s some serious bitching Cheers,Nic.
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