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Bloodyell!!!!!!I got real issues now.I find meself agreen with Kimbo. He who wont question will always follow.The only ones who think sceptisism is an illness are the ones tryn to pull the wool over y eyes.
This global warming is crock. They say the earth is getting warmer If this is true how come QLD haven"t had a record temp since 1972 and NSW since 1939. Surf the BOM site and you can see cycles in our weather pattern. Nothing to show the world is getting warmer
Birdy, I get into trouble for being a sceptic all the time. I don"t believe anything any one says and always have to check it out for myself first. You tell me something is so and I"ll go away and check it out, if it"s worth the time.But I reckon modern climate sceptics are the laziest sceptics there ever was.Start googling, or Yahooing stuff and find out for yourself.Do not listen to me. I"m a sceptic too.Farran, you must have missed this page on the BOM"s site;http://www.bom.gov.au/announcements/...105.shtmlHoges
Only one thing to say to the averages system and that is it can be manipulated any way your bias goes. Water available is the classic example. Why do the boffins always get it wrong???????
The B O M?!?!?!You gota be kidn me.Who in their rite mind takes any notice of them?Think bout it.How accurate is the BOM?Thats rite, and they are only forcstn 12-24 hours ahead. Wot hope have they got to forcast 12 munths-10 years, or like these climate dics, 100 years ahead?Meterology would have to be the most inexact science there is, and all these doomsayers are putn all their money on them. Kinda shows how thick they think we must be.The Met only forcests usen the averages- stats from the past.We"re talkn bout mum nature here kids, millions of years old, not a horses form.Mathamaticaly, records will always be brake, nuthn supprisen bout it.But I reckon modern climate sceptics are the laziest sceptics there ever was.Start googling, or Yahooing stuff and find out for yourself.Better still Hoges, the real sceptics will get off their asses [ away from the brain muddlen computer] and into the real world and hava look.Afterall, its in the real world that climate happens, not ona computer screen where any brain dead druggy dic witha alphabet after his name can post wot ever dribble his drug hazed head sees at the time.Birdy,A sad demise for you.Maybe some of your past sins need to be forgiven. Blame it on global warmn Kym, everyone else dose.
"A big solar flare will change things here more than we ever could."Spot on Echo. I think we have been in a low solar flare zone since the late "90"s.Pictures of London in 1300 show people skating on the Thames, it was so cold. 150 years later England was growing grapes for wine, then it got cold again. History shows repeated climate variations. There was once an Ice Age. Mr Rudd would sure have been nervous about global warming if he lived back then.And Mr Birdy, you live in the wrong place. About 5 years ago Melbourne installed a super duper new computer in BOM building. And more sensors in the outlands. Our forecasts have gone up to 5 days and are pretty accurate. Most of us live in offices and it does not matter what the forecast is. But you blokes on the land, where knowing whats coming makes a huge difference, do not have enough votes, so have to rely on a wet finger.Robert L Park wrote a book called "Voodoo Science" which is not addressing global warming, but shows how and why scientists fool themselves. Well worth a read.Graham
Echo,Forget about the climate,it has no relevance with the ETC.Its all about the bureaucrats and the government wanting your money.The supporters of this scheme obviously believe that governments know how to spend your money better