When My kids ask me what they should do when they grow up I tell them "if you want a job where no-one cares what you do, become a meteoroligist or an economist, then it doesnt matter what you do, its only a prediction..So why is it that the weather boys and Prof. Ross Garneat suddenly have the population beliveing every thing they say?Because it suits Kev!The climate change models are models. If science could provide models that would predict the stock market, then I would sit up and take notice, even better, if there was a model that could predict what kind of mood my wife was going to wake up in, I would be sold!the weather, the stock market and my darling all have far too many variables to be able to model.150 years of weather data and many data sites located in heat radiating cities with smog haze, to me doesnt make for good science. Propaganda, countered by propaganda does not make good debate. There is no doubt that the weather is changing, and will continue to do so, weather is day to day and climate is a very, very long term average. the scientists that say that the sun has nothing to do with climate should have been at the coast on the weekend! eliptical orbits and the earth spinning on a wobbly axis, to a layman may have something to do with ice melting in different places. Just like Kindergarten kids wont belive that the entire universe and all within came from a lump of matter the size of a cricket ball..... You have to go to uni to belive that one.....and if you challenge the theory, you"re a Skeptic! (Like that is a bad thing????) I would prefer to be called a skeptic that to be the opposite, Gullible.Mark.
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A bit of reality
I cannot believe how the politicians and those trendy Wendies are selling out the Australian tax payer in the name of climate change.400 medical staff are needed on the north coast the rest of the health system is in turmoil,yet can find from 50 to 100 billion to send overseas for these poorer nations.Which comes first,your family or these nations who promote internal and external conflict.Want to send money to Zimbabwe?? That will gives us a nice, warm and fuzzie feeling.
The ****** doing the weather..............The ****** ere said 4 days n a row that it was guna shine sunny days, never saw the sun for 4 days. Gess if he keeps sayn it, he"ll be rite sooner or later.Thatd be the ultimate loosers occupation.You can work for the met mob for 50 years, get it rong EVERY day for that 50 years, and still keep the job. ???Markus, i wunder if Krudd n Wong think they mite have dun the wong thing sigening that thing Howard n the yanks refused to?Seems its not worth wipen ya coit with now the subject has turned to "who"s guna pay" in Copen.Bloodyell Kym, now y talkn mate.
It was interesting to hear that one country thats apparently at the top of the list to get money from any climate change deal is CHINA would you believe. The same China that the USA now owes some trillions to and good old Australia who now owes China some billions. I wonder who worked that out? ??? ???One wonders what would happen should China call in a few debts ?? :
One wonders what would happen should China call in a few debts ?? Theyll never do that.They cant.If they did, itd break the idiots who owe them, either way, they aint getn their money, but they have us over the barrel.They might be tempted, saves having a war
Not sure of your analogy, Birdy.We are at 370 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. that"s about 1 in 2700. So the hair on the Gateway Bridge weighs 1/2700 of the bridge. That"s a big hair. 1/2700 strychnine or cyanide in water, and I wouldn"t drink it.I think it is pure physics. CO2 molecules get excited when exposed to sunlight. So if you increase the number of them you get more heat. There is 800,000 years of CO2 measurements from ice cores. This is measurable. Measure the size of the atmosphere, work out how much fossil fuel / coal etc is burnt for the last 100+ years, add it to the atmosphere and go from there. For every sceptic scientist there are 100 (probably more) that believe in the science. If if it"s a conspiracy, its a big one.I think any tax is a blight....I pay $100,000+ in tax each year,so don"t want any more, but I can"t think of another way to change habits, or encourage alternatives or carbon offsets, other than some form of value on carbon and its creation. As usual the devil is in the detail, and going it alone won"t work.I love fossil fuel. I"ve just bought a Gyro ( Sport Copter Vortex, 912, getting around to building it), I own a helicopter company, fly helicopters and aeroplanes, both for a living and fun. I love the stuff, but it doesn"t blind me to the science.Carl
Carl,I think that you may be confusing the formula a little, one hair at say, 200um (200 millionths of a meter) does not make 1/2700 ths of a kilometre.so it is OK to sit down, have a whiskey and relax cause the world isnt going to implode this evening, you may even like to add coke to that whiskey, it wont kill you even though it is a "carbonated" (there is that ole" Co2 again) drink. it may even contain more than 380 ppm of Co2! lots, lots, lots more! that goes for beer and sparklie wine as well.The meat and three veg for dinner? yep, carbon again! without it there is nothing.the Vostok Ice core samples have been touted as the smoking gun on Co2 causing a rise in temperature, in fact, The theory was supported only by tree ring evidence from one species of tree from one part of the world(a very small part), and if you really want to get into it, the level of Co2 in ice samples are probably more influenced by Ph levels than by temperature. When the data had been analyzed at finer resolution it was discovered that the rise in Co2 was PRECEEDED by a rise in temperature, NOT the other way around. Good science analyses theories. The problem is, is that the climate science is supported by assumptions and computer models that make assumptions. That Isnt good science.Co2 isnt the Baddie that it has been made out to be, so lazy governments shouldnt tax it. It could be that there are too many people on the face of the planet, so what habits should we be changing?Like you I want to continue to fly on fossil fuels, but I would be happy to fly on anything new in the future,but that will only happen when the oil companies turn into energy companies, not from a Government tax.Mark ;D
I guess we are either going to have to pay an increase in GST or this Emissions Taxation Scheme. Check out the lot that are backing it and have gone along with Kev! Australia Mr. Kevin Michael Rudd Prime Minister Ms. Penelope Wong Minister, Climate Change and Water, Office of the Minister for Climate Change and Water Ms. Louise Helen Hand Ambassador for Climate Change Department of Climate Change Mr. David Fredericks Deputy Chief of Staff, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Mr. Philip Green Oam Senior Policy Adviser, Foreign Affairs, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Mr. Andrew Charlton Senior Adviser Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Mr. Lachlan Harris Senior Press Secretary Prime Minister’s Office Office of Prime Minister Mr. Scott Dewar Senior Adviser Office of Prime Minister Ms. Clare Penrose Adviser Office of Prime Minister Ms. Fiona Sugden Media Adviser Office of Prime Minister Ms. Lisa French Office of the Prime Minister
Yeh, i pi55ed meself larfn this morn listn to the news.Too cold for pommy trains, then they tell us the yanks are getn buried in snow, then that solorpowered idiot garrat said we is all doomed after the Copen global WARMING ballsup.If these socalled scientests want us meager pesants to take um serious, they gota atleast get their stories to match.