Where is the equity Paul?Your student pays for damage to Firebird, (sorry not in the air yet) HYBRID, yet you are PIC.You damage another machine, of which you are PIC, but the owner pays??????I only see you taking the money Paul, do you ever pay out!!!!Time to take some resposibility Paul!ByeCrachetester
No announcement yet.
I apologise, apologise, apologise.....
It never ceases to amaze me how all the gutless turds out there love to jump in and give Paul a beating.While he may not be the most diplomatic and he certainly ain't perfect, it is a rare day that he won't help someone.Those of you who have seen Paul's attitude to getting people airborne will understand what I'm talking about.If Paul was slack in reporting something, then thats up to the ASRA board to deal with. (not the mob)Anything else in this matter is because Paul got off his ass and helped someone. As a test pilot, sh!t happens sometimes and if the builder had swaged the cables properly then he'd probably still have a gyro.Onya Paul. At least you had the balls, drive, commitment and passion to further the sport and help someone while all the armchair experts out there just sling sh!t.telf
Ha,Ha,Ha Crachtester said. Your student pays for damage to Firebird, (sorry not in the air yet) HYBRID, yet you are PIC. Good fairy story!!!!! Has never happened and never will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I solo people in my machines, I don't tell them they have to pay if they bend it. It is my job and my RESPONSIBILITY to make sure that they are ready.Where do gutless wonders, who hide behind a posting name, get this false info[?]Probably someone told someone, who told someone, who told someone else!!!!!!!!!!!People who want/need information re the Little Wing handling etc are emailing me direct and that is open to everyone. Ron Herron and I are emailing privately.Murray, totally incorrect re back stick. There was suficient back stick to land at engine idle, with extra back stick availible, and enough back stick to pull the nose up to zero airspeed with power at altitude.I have been flying long enough to know that I don't ever want to run out of back stick during a flare. I could not hit the rear stop in a steep turn!!!!!The machine had turned approx 160 degrees before ground impact, WHY???? because the rudder cable swage let go!!!! and the too strong as we now know spring pulled on right rudder.The machine had to be fine tuned as do any machines that have not used exactly in the plans. There are a numbe of things that the builder can choose that are different to the plans. It the test pilot who has to make sure that the controls, head angles and teeter amounts are suitable for flight. The stick did not have enough travel to start with and was so far forward that even with my long arms I would not have been comfortable. Guess what? We fixed those by changing ratios and turning the stick around untill I felt comfortable with the stick position. Good decision making I thought.This is normal every day setting up of a new gyroplane for flight.Read into this accident what you like, but I was flying it and I am the only one who knows. If you don't believe me. Stiff s**t.I stuffed up by not finding the incorect swaging, and due to situations beyond my control I had to dance around for a few days before I could post the report.I have to take peoples word as to what the machine has been built from. I don't take a metallurgist to a machine each time we inspect one, do any of you guys[?]This Little Wing problem is possible but not usually probable.I can say no more, and if some people lose respect fo me over this, well that comes with the territory. I don't think I will have to look for a "real" job though.I won't be posting much, unless untruths are being told.Not too manmy smilies in this post[][
]Aussie Paul. [8]www.firebirdgyros.com
Members,You are all getting off the track! The swages are the important point. You are all behaving like beauacrats. All swages are suspect, however they are made, until tested. Hang them up and put twice the weight expected on them. Then you can fly with confidence. I don't use a niccopress, I test to 165kg. It is obvious that the test pilot had to take some risks and rely on visual inspection, the builders word and integrity and his own skill to overcome shortfalls. He did this and found a fault with the machine which pointed out a common failure point. And survived! When are your swages going to fail?Fish.
quote:Originally posted by Firebird PaulHa,Ha,Ha Crachtester said. Your student pays for damage to Firebird, (sorry not in the air yet) HYBRID, yet you are PIC. Good fairy story!!!!! Has never happened and never will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I solo people in my machines, I don't tell them they have to pay if they bend it. It is my job and my RESPONSIBILITY to make sure that they are ready.Where do gutless wonders, who hide behind a posting name, get this false info[?]Probably someone told someone, who told someone, who told someone else!!!!!!!!!!!People who want/need information re the Little Wing handling etc are emailing me direct and that is open to everyone. Ron Herron and I are emailing privately.Murray, totally incorrect re back stick. There was suficient back stick to land at engine idle, with extra back stick availible, and enough back stick to pull the nose up to zero airspeed with power at altitude.I have been flying long enough to know that I don't ever want to run out of back stick during a flare. I could not hit the rear stop in a steep turn!!!!!The machine had turned approx 160 degrees before ground impact, WHY???? because the rudder cable swage let go!!!! and the too strong as we now know spring pulled on right rudder.The machine had to be fine tuned as do any machines that have not used exactly in the plans. There are a numbe of things that the builder can choose that are different to the plans. It the test pilot who has to make sure that the controls, head angles and teeter amounts are suitable for flight. The stick did not have enough travel to start with and was so far forward that even with my long arms I would not have been comfortable. Guess what? We fixed those by changing ratios and turning the stick around untill I felt comfortable with the stick position. Good decision making I thought.This is normal every day setting up of a new gyroplane for flight.Read into this accident what you like, but I was flying it and I am the only one who knows. If you don't believe me. Stiff s**t.I stuffed up by not finding the incorect swaging, and due to situations beyond my control I had to dance around for a few days before I could post the report.I have to take peoples word as to what the machine has been built from. I don't take a metallurgist to a machine each time we inspect one, do any of you guys[?]This Little Wing problem is possible but not usually probable.I can say no more, and if some people lose respect fo me over this, well that comes with the territory. I don't think I will have to look for a "real" job though.I won't be posting much, unless untruths are being told.Not too manmy smilies in this post[][
]Aussie Paul. [8]www.firebirdgyros.comThe problem is that the machine hit the ground straight in NOT in yaw according to eye witness accounts.The machine turned around AFTER hitting the ground.The eye witness accounts say that the flare was far to late.Witness marks were seen in the head from the washers, tie wire used on the washers had got under the washers and was flattened.What about the tractor wheel groves in the ground story?Bull**** wont baffle brains all the time. Fact, truth will win.
Guess I'm just a gutless armchair turd then Telf. So be it.TA inspections of craft should turn up poorly swagged cables, so that newbie builders don't kill their test pilots or themselves. What am I missing here...apart from the truth.The 'mob' mentality developed in this instance, through Mr Bruty's lack of honesty and the truth getting out. I have no problems with trying to ensure we all get the best advice, training and leadership within the organisation....shifting the emphasis, is a time waster.Mitch.www.thebutterflyllc.com
Mob mentality.........You all have bought upon yourselves.Since when does anyone for that matter have to answer to others just because someone asks a question. I've followed this discussion from the beginning, and If I was Paul, I would of told you all to go jump, and respond when I'm ready to respond....NOT YOU!!!!I am sure you all would expect the same in return, so stop getting on the ban wagon as this COULD of happen to anyone in the same situation!!!!!Like it was mentioned earlier, IT'S SO EASY TO POINT THE FINGER AFTER AN EVENT HAS OCCURED. Turtle.
I stuffed up by not finding the incorect swaging, and due to situations beyond my control I had to dance around for a few days before I could post the report.I'v never blamed you for anything bout this 'incident' except for your dishonesty Paul, [and understand this Telf].I wozn't there and I havn't seen the damage, so I havn't judged you on that.You did sumthin wrong, otherwise you wouldn't av crashed, its that simple. But **** happens,........... to everyone.Wot I'm dissapointed bout is you blame'n everything/ everyone else but you.So wot woz so important that you couldn't tell the truth at the start, instead of dribbl'n bout everything but your stuffup????.These 'situations beyond your control' didn't stop you from posting outright lise on the yank forum.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.Ingratitude stinks.......be generous carefully.
'Every dog has his day'. Nothing in accidents and incidents. Waiting..............To post there would be more appropriate. I'm choosing not to throw stones at this glass house although i'm entitled to.Did CLT help in this situation.As he would say: LOL and more LOL[][
]My favourite quote is: "the friends you make on the way up will be the friends you need on the way down'
Gurkle,thank you for the eyewitness remarks,I knew it would come out sooner or later.My whole concern in this is you,Paul, blameing the builder.If indeed you had crashed because of a broken cable you of all people would have been straight onto the forum to tell the world,and I would have been the first to say well done for geting out without a scratch.But the fact you swore everyone there to strict silence,wouldnt answer any questions from myself or others about how it flew etc etc made a lot of people smell a rat.Ive tipped over two machines in my 14 odd years and recently had an engine failure due to the stupid pilot(me) not securing the rotor tie down strap in its holder properly.Theres no shame in damaging aircraft.The shame is blameing someone else. Last post on this subject from me.Fish, you are missing the point,there was no swage failure.Cant wait to see that cable.M Barker
Fish, you are missing the point,there was no swage failure. Wrong, wrong again Murray!!!!!!!!!Geez Murray you are good. You have not seen the cable and you alredy know that there was no swage failure. Wow!!!!! ESP eh[?]Aussie Paul. [8]www.firebirdgyros.com
I hope, for your sake Paul, that Murry is wrong, coz if he aint, your in alot deeper **** than you could possably imagine.As I just posted on the yank forum, I don't think your in a position at the moment to judge others on credability.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.Ingratitude stinks.......be generous carefully.