Some people will be happy..... ASRA, who are supposed to look after sport gyroplane peoples interests and administer on behalf of the Authorities, have seen fit to suspend all my gyroplane flight privileges as well as my technical inspection privileges. Ah well, such is life. They turn a blind eye to some regulations and persecute others. Quite hypocritical really. Oh yes, I make my share of mistakes with paperwork. As I have told investigators, if the day is suitable for the students activities, I will fly and fill in the paperwork after the wind has blown up and it is unsuitable to fly.There are approx 300 gyros in Oz that are illegal everytime they fly. I don't care, as the rule is a silly one, BUT when I get into trouble over technical rules such as being 21 days late with membership dues I get fined $1650.[:0] Hypocritical again.To the people who have used some comon sense over this I appreciate it. To the people who have never trained a student, never test flown a students machine, and in some cases never flown, shame on you.[V] My livelihood is now gone, for how long I don't really care as I have to admit than I have been well and truly beaten.[:I] It is 3.00 am in the morning and I am a little stunned to say the least. I have not been spoken to about the events, just guilty until proven innocent. Apparently ASRA have been told that a modification that I conducted on the rotor head to stop the tail being hit by the rotor is the possible the cause of the accident. No investigation, no phone calls, just an email at midnight informing of this decision by the ASRA Operations Manager, who I don't see eye to eye with on a number if issues.The machine had no teeter what so ever and the head angle was not set up as per the plans!!!!! I fix all of this to make the machine fly safely. I then have a cable swage fail, do my damdest to try and save the machine, and end up like this!!![:0]I now have to have a hard look at whether I want to be part of helping people to get into gyroplanes (my passion), or just fade away and go play golf!!!! [
!]You can probably see that this has had a marked effect on me and I need to get some of it off my chest!!! [
] I would have trained as many people and possibly set up and tested as many machines as anyone in Oz. Actually I probably lead the way considerably over my 22 years of powered gyroplane flying. [^] I started flying gyrogliders in 1961, and powered in 1982. I have bent a few bits and pieces in that time, but I also have gained an enormous amount of knowledge that can only be gained by having ones hand on the stick. You cannot buy that expeience, it is earned.[^] I have been so lucky to have been in that position. [
] Sorry for the epilogue, but I feel that there are many more out there supporting me than there are damning me. To those supporters I offer my gratitude. [^] I am sure that the EAA or PRA would support their member, even if they are not perfect.Not so perfect Aussie Paul, in deeper s**t than usual. [8]
