Hi Saml, Have a great trip and may Paul teach you some stiring habit of a pleasent nature. Sorry that Paul has to do the groubd thing but I am sure he will suport you well. Good times to you both with a greate week end.What you focus on grows. Des Gravin
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Anything that Flies Weekend 2006
It appears Sam is too modest to advise that he indeed did fly from Ballarat in Victoria to Lamaroo in South Australia to attend the anything that flies weekend. Paul Bruty was his ground crew and met him at Horsham and Bordertown airstrips for refueling. I drove across with Lou Gionfriddo from Melbourne and met up with them at Bordertown. Sam had a bit of a tail-wind on his last leg and got to the fly-in well ahead of us in cars. He had an uneventful 5 hour flight and appeared just as fresh at the end as the start. Very well done Sam.The fly-in was a huge success with 27 aircraft turning up on Saturday, the majority being gyros. Weather was perfect, and the host club have great facilities did a beautiful catering job. Kevin Traegar was training as was a Trike Instructor with activity both on the ground and in the air going all weekend long. It was well worth the 10 hour plus trip each way and not to be missed next year. I have posted just a couple of pics in the hope that Sam will provide others.Image Insert:60.71