Thanks Pete.Look forward to seing some more pics as it progresses.Be down your way later this year, so i wouldn't mind goingfor a TIF ?Robert DunnMackay. Qld.Growing old is good while it lasts.
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Gyro flying school???
"Instead, if the advertising or promotion of Gyros was more focused on the amazing capabilities that is already proven , like short field performance(especially landings), extreme manoeuvrability (mustering) ,"[ i must be the only one who read this post?????, probably coz its still on track]I'm in agreeance 100 poocent Rob, and its been my argument for years.Gyros are for low n slow, so sell um as such and you'll be more succesful.If you wana go sumwhere fast, fly a FW coz they p1ss all over gyrs in that department.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.birdy, here.
I am offended you calling it a beast Nick.. its a big fat pig really. But from accounts of its earlier flying, plenty of power with enough juice to go visit Birdy without refueling. It of course will be very draggy and because of that slow but I have a pod to go on as a stage two event which though wide will speed it up a bit. And cus Rob you look me up when your down here and we will go for a ride.PeteBairnsdale,Vic.
quote:Originally posted by FishJesus Birdy!It must really **** you off reading all these posts full of personality clashes and petty drama on a thread where the subject is dealing with financing an extremely important training facility for gyro pilots.I think you will have to face the facts. All the people who use this forum are not the people you are looking for. I hope you have produced something for the Gyro News where there are further possibilities in the search for the person who could do the job.Fish. Allen, there isnt one person on this forum that wouldnt have something valuable to give towards a training school. Judging people you dont know from a few posts is fairly shallow. I've banged heads with Paul & Mitch ( not Birdy because I've seen what he does to uncoperating critters [xx(]) & respect Pete's opinion ,cause I've seen his work , but in the end we are all still mates.Fair go , hey ?[] Echo
I can understand Fish's assumtion that there are lots of insults being hurled around here. If you are new to the forum like me and looking for information, it does seem like people are having a go at each other. Having said that, it doesn't worry me, but to the first time visitor on the site it may not look so good.Anyway back to the thread, i'm hoping that something comes out of this discussion as i am hoping to get some Gyro training in the future. Hopefully in Vic we will be lucky to have Paul back instructing, and hopefully Pete will be operational down at Bairnsdale soon.My personal view is that unless an instructor were to be subsidised by ASRA and local clubs, then it would be very hard to make a decent living from being a full time instructor in such a sparsely populated sport.Good subject you have raised Birdy, and it is nice to see some people have made offers of contributions of money time and even equipment to build a runway at a new facility, if only these offers could be coordinated and made use of.Regards all, Mike.
I am just back from a fly-in at Phillip Island which I will post a few aerial pics on a different thread later tonight.Don Cowling had arranged and co-ordinated the get together and it was a terrific weekend held at the Phillip Island Airport which we shared with a few aeroplanes and helicopter joy-flights that were going on all weekend. Why I am mentioning it here is that there was considerable interest in gyro training expressed by people who just turned up out of the blue as well as some exponents of other flying disciplines. If my gyro was going I would have a definate two or three students on the books. Exposure to our sport brings out the interest from the public, including fixed-wing and chopper pilots ( who see us having a great time with little expense compared to what they fly.) They have taken my details and will keep in touch.Mike my gyro is going ahead in leaps and bounds with the motor problems sorted and the pod being fitted this week. It won't take long I can assure you so keep in touch.PeteBairnsdale,Vic.
gday Ken.I could tell you wot i think of trikes, but itd be a biased gyro muster"s opinion.I used to use a trike[ 462 2 seater] for mustern befor i found gyros, and mate, unless the wether is perfect, they are a handfull. They are very slippery and run on the wif of an oily rag, but useless for the job once it starts warmn up.They are simple to fly, very forgiving and bout the same $ as a gryo, but unless you intend to do more than just putt around in fine wether, they aint much good for anythn but recreation.Gyros one the other hand, are invincable wen it comes to flyability in unfaverable conditions, and you have much more presice control.I"v been flyn for a few years and have gained some hours, but mum nature has never yet grounded me. And iv been caught in thunderstorms, dust storms, rain, -11c, 52c,
Well I"m now a retired auto. electrician, with a basic side by side Trainer, and am willing to train anyone up to 95kg if they make it to Tennant Creek. However I prefer to train a max. of 2 hrs. a day in the early stages due to the stress of the student trying to kill me. Iv"e achieved the most success giving each indervidial a half hr. in the morning and half hr. in evening. I think it"s like learning to play a piano. Too much at once
Exactly Max. Right on the money.I was 45 when I started to learn, and I used to do 2 x 1/2 hours a day. One day (about 6 hours in) I tried 3 x 1/2 hours (that"s 3 x 30min sessions), and I was brain dead for all of the last session and a bit of the second one. (Some say I was brain dead before I started, but I don"t take any notice of the cheeky basterds). If you haven"t flown before, and you"re getting a few years on, then 2 sessions a day is as much as you can absorb.Cheers
Bloody good t hear Maxy. ;DBTW, did a bloke [ i think his name was James or sumthn] from Darwin call you the other day?Wen you cumn back down ere to help sort out these bent necks?medically fit 62 yr. old Great GrandfatherIll vouch for that.[ mentaly fit, hmmm, ill have t think bout that.