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Gyro flying school???

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  • #91
    Paul,Who swaged those cables? The 3/4" of 'dag' hanging out is not a good look or advised Eh? That's not the inside shot of a Firebird cabin is it?Mitch.


    • #92
      quote:Originally posted by Greg MitchellPaul,Who swaged those cables? The 3/4" of 'dag' hanging out is not a good look or advised Eh? That's not the inside shot of a Firebird cabin is it?Mitch.Come on Greg, read the posts.[)] Someone asked for a pic of a Rosco dual rudder pedal set up, and that is what I gave them. I even included the quote.[^] Sheeez!!!! What sh**. Back to lurking, and the alternate forums for me.[]Aussie Paul.[]


      • #93
        Paul,I read the posts, So what. And if your calling me a [)] clown with your little icon, then there'll be a private email comming your way, you big boofheaded creature. [:0](reads as term of endearment)[]You still did'nt answer my questions, just like you have not answered Nicks on the other thread.[]Anyway, wasn't looking for a sh** fight, just curious as to who did that swage, obviously not a qualified, fully trained, fully read swagging expert. My reference is to some of the crap posted in the swagging thread.[xx(]So Paul are you using a Rosco dual pedal set-up as per pic or have you designed your own? And if you are using a Rosco set-up, is that a pic of the inside of firebird cabin?[?][?][?]If you dont wish to answer questions, why post at all. I'll find you no matter where you lurk. [:X][:X][:X]Mitch


        • #94
          Paul,It's amazing is it not, we both have seen them come and go since we were young men, the guy that's been in the game for five minutes and thinks he is an overnight expert on all facits of all trades, all the best Paul.Pete Barsden


          • #95
            i]Originally posted by Greg Mitchell[/i]Paul, Hi MitchI read the posts, So what. And if your calling me a [)] clown with your little icon, then there'll be a private email comming your way, you big boofheaded creature. [:0](reads as term of endearment)[] OOOOH, I AM SHAKING GREG. He he [][][] You still did'nt answer my questions, just like you have not answered Nicks on the other thread.[]Anyway, wasn't looking for a sh** fight, You always are Greg[)]just curious as to who did that swage, obviously not a qualified, fully trained, fully read swagging expert. My reference is to some of the crap posted in the swagging thread.[xx(]So Paul are you using a Rosco dual pedal set-up as per pic NOor have you designed your own? My business still.[] And if you are using a Rosco set-up, is that a pic of the inside of firebird cabin?[?][?][?] NOIf you dont wish to answer questions, why post at all. TO HELP DEDICATED PEOPLE WHO REALLY WANT TO LEARN.[^]I'll find you no matter where you lurk. [:X][:X][:X] GEEEZ I AM SHAKING EVEN MORE. He he he [][][]MitchAussie Paul.[]


            • #96
              Great ambassadors for the sport, how do you blokes go when your in the same room?shame. (but amusing at times):-)


              • #97
                Good to see you still have a sense of humor Paul, (unlike some) thanks for answering the questions, though I'm a little hurt you think I'm always looking for a fight. Have a nice day Pete.


                • #98
                  Pete, your little dig at Greg ( " ..been in the game for five minutes etc. ...) was fairly childish. I met Greg at the '03 Nats at Forbes , he was wide eyed like a kid in a lolly shop , asking zillions of questions & taking it all in . He has come a long way since then & his input into the sport ( as with yours & Paul's ) is welcomed . No doubt he has helped a lot of people on the way ( me included ), his workmanship is of a high standard & sharing info such as fibreglassing , is invaluable. I have seen guys that have been on earthmoving gear in the mines for years that think they are guns ( usually coal miners with their heads up their butts ) that could learn a lot from the " new " guys. The same applies here. So , please leave your ego in your pilots seat & get off Gregs back . Hoo roo


                  • #99
                    Paul, what machine are those rudder pedals in ? It looks new. I noticed the springs contact their mounts putting pressure on them , this may cause fatigue & snap the ends off. Maybe machineing a small amount from bracket or adding a tab may help.Looking forward to seeing the Firebird in the sky . Echo


                    • quote:Originally posted by EchoPaul, what machine are those rudder pedals in ? It looks new.I noticed the springs contact their mounts putting pressure on them , this may cause fatigue & snap the ends off. Maybe machineing a small amount from bracket or adding a tab may help.Looking forward to seeing the Firebird in the sky . EchoEric, the pic is of the original rudder pedal set up that Pete Bradley asked for a pic of. Anyone in the know would appreciate that it is a very neat and tidy pair of Rosco dual rudder pedals. The short 1/2" bolt in the front is not tight as I had it undone while adapting the nosewheel mount under the pod.That machine has nothing to do with me other than I converted it to CLT. The owner had it for a couple of years and was not happy with the way it flew with its large thrust to CofM offset. He had accumulated only 30 hours due to being "bloody scared" when the thermals came up!!!!It was fine of course in calm air as are almost all machines.It was bought to me and I did the mods to bring it to CLT. These mods were reversing the gearbox to have the prop line under the engine crank, lifting everything in front of the step in the keel 5", stepping the keel further to help with prop to keel clearance, angled the rear keel back up to place the tail wheel in its original location. This also gave the h/stab an extra 3 degrees negative AoA which was required with the side by side 2 place pod.The owner picked it up on an horrendously rough day and when he flew it he could not believe that it was the same machine. He flys it now in all kinds of conditions, and is accumulating hours at quite a rate, and enjoying every flight in it.As a matter of interest our 25,000 hour mustering pilot, RF, rang me a couple of months ago to have his machine converted. I was too busy with Firebird and I think he got Rob Patroney to convert it.I hope I answered all the questions in among my trivia Eric.Aussie Paul.[]


                      • Jesus Birdy!It must really **** you off reading all these posts full of personality clashes and petty drama on a thread where the subject is dealing with financing an extremely important training facility for gyro pilots.I think you will have to face the facts. All the people who use this forum are not the people you are looking for. I hope you have produced something for the Gyro News where there are further possibilities in the search for the person who could do the job.Fish.


                        • Eric,You don't know the full history, I also don't have time for egoes, mine or anyone elses, I give credit where credit is due and I also also speak my mind when I think it is warranted, all the best Eric And Greg.Pete Barsden


                          • Back on the track of the subject of training, as asked by Oldbod,I have posted for comment a recent pic of the proposed training machine. It was flying until a crash as a two seater with single control. It has 150hp subie with rosco controls, I am hoping to have it in the sky within a month.I would be very interested to hear from anyone with a similar machine or knows who has one, which may make registration a little less daunting.Image Insert: 85.06


                            • Mate,What a beast... Have fun.Cheers,Nick.Nicholas TomlinAlarmist - - we scare for you


                              • And while we're at it...Ooooo, look at that nylock nut... no thread hanging out at all!Nicholas TomlinAlarmist - - we scare for you

