Thanks Butch, Nick, thats good advice. The dual throate carbys take a lot of playing around with to get all the jets clean so it will take perseverance and be carefull when using compressed air to blow out jets in the carby as other bits can go into orbit fairly easily !!!Good idea to trash the fuel [into the wifes car]
as unleaded breaks down very quickly.Nick, I'm not sure but I reckon you need to brace the underside of the stab with a bit flat out from the keel to the underside of the stab. I have a Rosco machine and thats how he does his plus wires from the stab to the part in front of the rudder [whats that part called ???] Going to town early in the morning otherewise I would do a photo for you.I'm pleased other people have trouble finding things eg the butterfly,Brian
