max , that does work too , a couple of places i"ve been at have appreciated that i have offered and do sit on there tractor and do some mowing. it calms the waters so to speak. although i"m looking at changing again. the price obviously but no where as bad as yours. greed.!!!!!!! i nearly fell over backwards when you said how much.
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"CLT" RAF, me build
Russ, buy the Motec from a Motec programming expert who programs high performance race cars etc. Once we had done that we then had the program on file, and just loaded it into each new Motec ecu. You should be able to find an expert Motec mechanic. Motec is a well respected company. I also used Autronics, Link from NZ, and Wolf. The Motec is a bit dearer BUT well worth it for reliability.Aussie Paul.
I can understand your concern Russ. I hope you carry an eperb at all times plus a survival kit. My mate near materanka owes his life to his eperb as he went down in tall trees 3km from his homestead 7 yrs ago. (Had a smashed leg)epurb......yes...... Survival kit
If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time
I allways make sure there"s a condom and a toothbrush on board Russ. I have been told by one woman that the gyro (not me ) is very sexual. Another woman had an orgasm during the landing. (anything can happen)See why I need one (showing post to wife) ;D :-*Blue