Thanks Bones. I"ve found a kit at car mods aust. It"s for a racing car of course ;D ;D actually it"s probably better to say it"s for an air boat.
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EJ25 running rough
I"ve made a clamp on system, fairly bulky, but a right-handed person needs a left-hand throttle when sitting in the RH seat. I like the idea of the engine mounted a bit to the right when prop. rotates right. My **** fits between the two throttles fine but the owner had to bend the outer throttle outwards a bit. (there"s no advantage being big anymore, We"re no longer allowed to fight in pubs) My rosco trainer has a centre throttle and sometimes I have to play with fat female bums to operate the throttle as I sit on the RH side, but I don"t mindI got carried away there Kev, in answer to your question, the centre throttle clears the controls to what I consider a safe distance.
Said it before by one change sensors / ecu / injectors etc........put in a known good one, if no change, then remove it, put your original back the end of the day, you"ve eliminated all those possibilities.If all of the above does not source the problem.......then we look elsewhere. This engine was going just it"s not.Then i"de be checking the accuracy of the currents delivered to all sensors etc.......was told way back, that exact current was important, as some elec wires do not deliver the "required" amount.........was told to go grab soob wiring from your friendly wrecker and use lengths from that.Again........this engine was this
If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time
The computer is close, but mounted on the fire wall. I"m still looking for a $1000 or less 95-6 subaru thats kaput but motor still runs as a test bed for components. Just purchased a cute little 2 cly. subaru sherpa for $300 from a lady leaving the village. It"s like a little toy. My favourite technology, points and carb. 550kg 32ltr. tank 2 seater, but that doesn"t help my gyro project.
Max,Your probably not gonna like this but, i had a similar problem recently with a rotax motor, only done about 180hrs from new, then no.2 ign side not working, so after talking to floods, i removed the black boxes from a 2000hr motor sitting in my hangar and flew the 100nm out to investigate, after testing it all, yep side 2 not working, so hoping it wasnt the sender form the motor, i swapped the 2 black boxes, purring like a kitten again, switch 1 side off for a couple of minutes and then the other side no probs, righto found the problem, so i took the black boxes home again sent them to flood to bench test again, noting which one i "knew" was faulty, nothing wrong was the answer i got down the phone line, so i promptly rings the owner to tell him the sad news, he already done another 12 hrs since, there nothing wrong?????? so i still dont know what the frig was the problem, and the machine is still going perfectly some 20+ hrs latter, the only thing the owner and i can put it down to was a faulty connection somewhere is the black box plugs, and by removing it and plugging in the other boxes it has fixed the bad connection, i hate with a passion electricity, how can you fix something you cant see
I sympathise Bones. The only way I survived in a one man auto. elect. business for 22 yrs. was to fix things I new well. If a weird problem came in I became very shy. One guy came in with a motor bike fault, and I said I don"t work on motorbikes. (It was still running) so he drove it to A/springs to the m/bike shop. On the way he hit a cow and was lying with a broken arm and leg amongst blood and cow **** and a motorist took him to hospital where a policeman visited him and told him he was to get a large sum payout. He purchased a house and later came back and thanked me.
Point taken Disco, however I feel an obligation to stick to my gun and try and diagnose this anomaly as there are people like Russ and Waddles and others who are flying happily over tiger country with the Moloney system and I"m sure would like to know. If there is a week link in the chain lets sort it. (unless I crack beforehand)
I bumped into my nephew at a party and as he"s a young auto. sparky and up to date with latest technology. I told him my sob story about my EJ25 problem. He said he has just purchased a $3000 EFI diagnostic unit. (seemed to think that was cheep) that had an array of adaptors for different vehicles including subaru and why don"t I install a diagnostic plug and check light then take my gyro to him, and he will have an 80% chance of pin-pointing the fault. So now I"m searching for a diagnostic plug or plugs off a 2005-6 subaru and a diagram of how to connect. Might be the answer to diagnosing faults on the Molony system